Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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[figure description] Page 208.[end figure description]
We beleaf in ardent spirits — sich az charitee, parsaveranse,
and patrotism. We beleaf in animil spirits—
sich az fast hosses, vigerous cats, and ambishus
rat terriers. We beleaf in the spirits ov 76 —
sich az ole Jamaka, and Santa Cruize, jist a little
for the rumatiz. We beleaf in the evidence ov departed
spirits, a good deal — sich az temprance houses,
lemonade picknix, and water kure establishments.
We beleaf in the spirits of just men — but beleaf
they ar skase. We beleaf in the spirit ov revenge —
if a muskeeter bites you without provocation, kill awl
the muskeeters, nex ov kin, in the naberhood. We
beleaf in the spirit ov forgiveness — if we owe a
man, and we won't pay him, let him forgiv the
-- -- p674-234
Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].