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West Saxon I [1878], THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT JOHN IN ANGLO-SAXON AND NORTHUMBRIAN VERSIONS SYNOPTICALLY ARRANGED, WITH COLLATIONS EXHIBITING ALL THE READINGS OF ALL THE MSS. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge (F. A. BROCKHAUS, LEIPZIG) [word count] [B01210].
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Title page THE GOSPEL
Edited for the Syndics of the University Press,


PAGE Prefacei Description of the MSS.v Description of the printed editionsxiv Plan of the present volumexxii Argumentum1 Capitula Lectionum2 Euangelium: Cap. I.8 Euangelium: Cap. II.16 Euangelium: Cap. III.20 Euangelium: Cap. IV.26 Euangelium: Cap. V.34 Euangelium: Cap. VI.42 Euangelium: Cap. VII.52 Euangelium: Cap. VIII.58 Euangelium: Cap. IX.66 Euangelium: Cap. X.76 Euangelium: Cap. XI.86 Euangelium: Cap. XII.92 Euangelium: Cap. XIII.102 Euangelium: Cap. XIV.108 Euangelium: Cap. XV.122 Euangelium: Cap. XVI.130 Appendix: Collation of the Latin texts of the Lindisfarne and Rushworth MSS.137 Critical Notes141 Corrigenda et Addenda144

Title page THE GOSPEL

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1    note [H]er ys godspellys angyn Hælyndes cristes godes suna.

2   Swa &adia;writen is on þæs witegan b&edia;c isaiam. nu ic as&edia;nde minne engel be-foran þinre ansyne. Se ge-gearwað þinne weg be-foran ðe.

3   clypiende stefn on þam westene ge-gearwiað drihtnes weg. doð rihte his siðas;

4   Iohannes wæs on westene fulligende ∧ bodiende dædbote fulwiht on synna for-gyfenesse.

5   ∧ to him ferde eall iudeisc rice. ∧ ealle hierosolima-ware. ∧ wæron fram him gefullode. on iordanes flode hyra synna anddetenne;

6   And iohannes wæs gescryd mid oluendes hærum. ∧ fellen gyrdel wæs ymbe his lendenu. ∧ gærstapan ∧ wudu hunig he æt.

7   ∧ he bodude ∧ cwæð. strengra cymð æfter me. þæs ne eom ic wyrðe &thaet; ic his sceona þwanga bugende uncnytte.

8   Ic fullige eow on wætere. he eow fullað on halgum gaste.

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9    note ∧ on ðam dagum c&odia;m se hælend fram nazareth galilee ∧ wæs ge-fullod on iordan&edia; fram iohanne.

10   ∧ sona of ðam wætere he geseah opene heofonas. ∧ haligne gast swa culfran astigende ∧ on him wunigende.

11   ∧ þa wæs stefn of heofenum geworden. þu eart min ge-lufoda sunu on þe ic gelicode;

12   And sona gast hine on westen genydde.

13   ∧ he on w&edia;stene wæs feowertig daga ∧ feowertig nihta. ∧ he wæs fram satane gecostnod. ∧ he mid wilddeorum wæs ∧ him englas þenodon;

14    note Syððan iohannes geseald wæs. com se hælend on galileam godes rices. godspell bodigende

15   ∧ þus cweðende. witodlice t&idia;d is gefylled ∧ heofena r&idia;ce genealæcð. doð dæd-bote ∧ gelyfaþ þam godspelle.

16    note ∧ þa he ferde wið þa galileiscan sædia;. he geseah simonem ∧ andream his broðor hyra nett on þa sædia; lætende. Soðlice hi wæron fisceras;

17   And þa cwæð se hælend cumað æfter me ∧ ic d&odia; inc &thaet; gyt beoð sawla onfonde.

18   ∧ hi þa hrædlice him fyligdon. ∧ for-leton heora net.

19   ∧ ðanon hw&odia;n ag&adia;n he geseah iacobum ∧ zebedei ∧ iohannes his broðor. ∧ hi on heora scype heora nett logodon.

20   ∧ he hi sona clypode. ∧ hi heora fæder zebedeo on scipe forleton. mid hyrlingum.

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21   ∧ ferdon to cafarnaum ∧ sona reste-dagum he lærde hi on gesamnunge. ingancgende

22    note ∧ hi wundredon be his l&adia;re; Soþlice he wæs hi lærende swa se þe anweald hæfð. næs swa boceras.

23   ∧ on heora gesamnunge wæs sum man. on unclænum gaste ∧ he hrymde

24   ∧ cwæð eala nazarenisca hælend hwæt is us ∧ þe. com ðu us to for-spillanne. ic wat þu eart godes halga;

25   Ða cidde se hælend him ∧ cwæð adumba. ∧ g&adia; of þisum men.

26   ∧ se unclæna gast hine slitende ∧ mycelre stefne clypiende him of eode;

27   Þa wundredon hi ealle swa &thaet; hi betwux him cwædon. hwæt ys þis. hwæt is þeos niwe l&adia;r. &thaet; he on anwealde unclænum gastum bebyt. ∧ hi hyrsumiað him.

28   ∧ sona ferde his hl&idia;sa to galilea rice;

29    note Hrædlice of hyra gesamnunge hi comon on simonis ∧ andreas hus. mid iacobe ∧ Iohanne;

30   Soðlice þa sæt simonis swegr hriðigende ∧ hi him be hyre sædon.

31   ∧ ge-nealæcende he hi up ah&odia;f hyre handa ge-gripenre. ∧ hrædlice se fefor hi forlet. ∧ heo þenode him;

32   Soðlice þa hit wæs æfen geworden þa sunne to setle eode. hi brohton to him ealle þa unhalan. ∧ þa ðe w&odia;de wæron.

33   ∧ eall seo burh-waru wæs ge-gaderod to þære duran.

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34   ∧ he manega gehælde þe missenlicum &adia;dlum gedrehte wæron. ∧ manega deofol-seocnyssa he ut adraf. ∧ hi sprecan ne l&edia;t. forþam hi wiston &thaet; he crist wæs;

35   And swiðe ædia;r arisende he ferde. on w&edia;ste stowe ∧ hine þar gebæd

36   ∧ him fyligde simon. ∧ þa ðe mid him wæron.

37   ∧ þa hi hine gemetton hi sædon him. eall þis folc ðe secð;

38   Þa cwæð he fare we on ge-hende t&udia;nas ∧ ceastra. &thaet; ic ðar bodige. witodlice to ðam ic com.

39   ∧ he wæs bodigende on heora ge-samnungum ∧ ealre galilea. ∧ deofol-seocnessa ut adrifende;

40    note And to him com sum hreofla hine biddende. ∧ gebigedum cneowum him to cwæþ; Drihten. gif þu wylt ðu miht ge-clænsian me;

41   Soðlice se hælend him ge-miltsode. ∧ his hand aþenode ∧ hine æt-hrinende ∧ þus cwæð; Ic wylle. beo ðu geclænsod.

42   ∧ þa he ðus cwæð sona seo hreofnys him fram ge-w&adia;t. ∧ he wæs geclænsod.

43   ∧ sona he bead him

44   ∧ cwæð. warna &thaet; ðu hit nanum men ne secge. ac g&adia; ∧ æt-yw ðe þara sacerda ealdre. ∧ bring for ðinre clænsunga &thaet; moyses bebead him on ge-witnesse.

45   ∧ he þa ut-gangende ongan bodian ∧ widmærsian þa spræce; Swa &thaet; he ne mihte openlice on þa ceastre g&adia;n. ac beon &udia;te on westum stowum ∧ hi æghwanon to him comon.

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1   ∧ eft æfter dagum he eode into cafarnaum. ∧ hit wæs ge-hyred &thaet; he wæs on huse

2   ∧ manega togædere comon. ∧ he to heom spræc.

3   ∧ hi comon anne laman to him berende. þone feower men bæron.

4   ∧ þa h&idia; ne mihton hine inbringan for þære mænigu. hi openodon þone hr&odia;f þar se hælend wæs. ∧ hi þa in-asendan. &thaet; bed þe se lama on læg;

5   Soðlice ða se hælend geseah heora geleafan. he cwæð to þam laman; Sunu þe synt þine synna for-gyfene.

6   Þar wæron sume of ðam bocerum sittende. ∧ on heora heortum þencende

7   hw&idia; spycð þes þus. he dysegað. hwa mæg synna for-gyfan buton god &adia;na;

8   Ða se hælend &thaet; on his gaste oncneow. &thaet; hi swa betwux him þohton. he cwæð to him. hwi ðence ge þas ðing on eowrum heortan.

9   hwæðer is eðre to secgenne to þam laman. þe synd ðine synna forgyfene. hwæðer þe cweðan ar&idia;s nim ð&idia;n bed ∧ g&adia;.

10   &thaet; ge soðlice witon &thaet; mannes sunu hæfð anweald on eorðan; synna to for-gyfanne; He cwæð to þam l&adia;man

11   þe ic secge ar&idia;s. nim þin bed. ∧ g&adia; to þinum huse

12   ∧ he sona aras. ∧ be-foran him eallum eode; Swa &thaet; ealle wundredon ∧ þus cwædon. næfre w&edia; ædia;r þyllic ne ge-sawon.

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13   eft he ut eode to ðære sædia;. ∧ eall seo menigeo him to com ∧ he hi lærde.

14   ∧ þa he forð eode he ge-seah leuin alphei. sittende æt his cep-setle. ∧ he cwæð to him folga m&edia;. þa aras he ∧ folgode him.

15   ∧ hit gewearð þa he sæt on his h&udia;se &thaet; manega manfulle. sæton mid þam hælende ∧ his leorning-cnihtum; Soðlice manega þa ðe him fyligdon wæron

16   boceras ∧ farisei. ∧ cwædon. witodlice he &ydia;tt mid m&adia;nfullum ∧ synfullum. ∧ hi cwædon to his leorning-cnihtum. hwi ytt eower lareow ∧ drincð. mid manfullum ∧ synfullum;

17   Þa se hælend þis ge-hyrde he sæde him. ne beþurfon na ða halan læces. ac ða þe untrume synt; Ne com ic na &thaet; ic clypode riht-wise ac synfulle.

18   ∧ þa wæron Iohannes leorning-cnihtas ∧ pharisei fæstende. ∧ þa comon hi ∧ sædon him; Hwi fæstað iohannes leorning-cnihtas ∧ phariseorum. ∧ þine ne fæstað;

19   Ða ."h;. se hælend. cweðe ge sceolan þæs brydguman cnihtas fæstan swa lange swa se brydguma mid him is. ne magon hi fæstan swa lange t&idia;de swa hi ðone brydguman mid him habbað;

20   Soðlice þa dagas cumað þonne se brydguma him bið fram acyrred. ∧ þonne hi fæstað; On þam dagum

21   n&adia;n man ne s&idia;waþ n&idia;wne sc&ydia;p to ealdum reafe elles he afyrð þone n&idia;wan scyp. of þam ealdan reafe. ∧ biþ mare slite.

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22   ∧ n&adia;n man ne deð niwe win on ealde bytta. elles &thaet; w&idia;n tobrycð þa bytta. ∧ &thaet; w&idia;n bið agoten. ∧ þa bytta forwurðaþ; Ac niwe w&idia;n sceal beon gedon on n&idia;we bytta. þonne beoð butu gehealden;

23   Eft wæs geworden þa he reste-dagum þurh æceras eode. his leorning-cnihtas ongunnon þa &edia;&adia;r pluccigean.

24   þa cwædon pharisei to him. loca nu hwæt þine leorning-cnihtas doð. &thaet; him alyfed næs. on reste-dagum;

25   Þa sæde he him ne rædde ge næfre. hwæt dyde dauid þa hine hingrode. ∧ þa ðe mid him wæron.

26   hu he in godes huse eode. under abiath&adia;r þara sacerda ealdre. ∧ he ædia;t þa ofrung-hlafas. þe him ne alyfede nædia;ron to etanne. buton sacerdon anum. ∧ he sealde þam ðe mid him wæron.

27   ∧ he sæde him. reste-dæg wæs geworht for þa men. næs se man for ðam reste-dæge;

28   Witodlice drihten is mannes sunu eac swylce reste-dæges; CHAPTER III.

1   And eft he eode on ge-samnunge ∧ þar wæs &adia;n man for-scruncene hand hæbbende

2   ∧ hi gymdon hwæþer he on reste-dagum gehælde. &thaet; hi hine gewregdon;

3   Ða cwæð he to ðam men þe for-scruncene hand hæfde. ar&idia;s gemang him.

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4   þ&adia; cwæð he alyfð reste-dagum wel to d&odia;nne hweþer ðe yfele. sawla ge-hælan. hweþer ðe for-spillan. ∧ h&idia; suwodon.

5   ∧ hi besceawiende mid yrre ofer hyra heortan blindnesse ge-unr&edia;t cwæð to þam men; Aþene þine hand. ∧ he aþenede hi. þa wearð his hand ge-hæled sona;

6   Þa pharisei mid herodianiscum utgangende þeahtedon ongen hine. hu hi hine fordon mihton.

7   ∧ þa ferde se hælend to þære sædia;. mid his leorning-cnihton. ∧ mycel menigeo him fyligde fram galilea. ∧ iudea.

8   ∧ hierusalem. ∧ fram iudea ∧ be-geondan iordane ∧ to him com mycel menegeo ymbe t&idia;rum ∧ sid&odia;ne gehyrende þa ðing þe he worhte.

9   ∧ he cwæð to his cnihtum &thaet; hi him on scipe þenodon. for þære menigu &thaet; hi hine ne ofþrungon;

10   Soþlice manega he ge-hælde; Swa &thaet; hi æt-hrinon his. ∧ swa fela swa untrumnessa

11   ∧ unclæne gastas hæfdon; Þa hi hine gesawon. hi to-foran him astrehton. ∧ þus cweðende clypedon. þu eart godes sunu.

12   ∧ he him swyðe forbead. &thaet; hi hine ne ge-swutelodon.

13   ∧ on anne munt he ferde ∧ to him ge-clypode þa ðe he wolde ∧ hi to him comon

14   ∧ he dyde &thaet; hi twelfe mid him wæron. ∧ he hi asende godspell to bodigenne.

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15   ∧ he him anweald sealde untrumnessa to hælanne. ∧ deofol-seocnessa &udia;t to adrifanne.

16   ∧ he nemde simon petrum

17   ∧ iacobum zebedei. ∧ iohannem his broðor ∧ him naman onsette. boaneries &thaet; is ðunres bearn.

18   ∧ andream. ∧ philippum. ∧ bartholomeum ∧ thomam. ∧ iacobum alphei. ∧ taddeum. ∧ simonem chananeum.

19   ∧ iudam scarioth. se hine sealde.

20   ∧ eft him to com. swa micel menigu. &thaet; hi næfdon hlaf to etanne

21   ∧ þa hi hine gehyrdon hi ferdon &thaet; hi hine namon ∧ þus cwædon; Soðlice he is on hat-heortnesse gewend.

22   ∧ þa boceras þe wendon fram hierusalem cwædon;
Soþlice he hæfð beelzebub ∧ on deofla ealdre he deoful-seocnessa ut adr&idia;fð.

23   ∧ he hi togædere geclypode. ∧ on bigspellum him to cwæð; Hu mæg satanas satanan ut adrifan.

24   ∧ gif his rice on him sylfum bið to-dæled hu mæg hit standan

25   ∧ gif &thaet; hus ofer hit sylf ys to-dæled. hu mæg hit standan

26   ∧ gif satanas winð ongen hine sylfne he bið to-dæled ∧ he standan ne mæg ac hæfð ende;

27   Ne mæg man þone strangan his æhta ∧ his fatu be-reafian ∧ on his hus gan, buton man þone strangan ærest gebinde. ∧ þonne his hus reafige;

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28   Soðlice ic eow secge &thaet; ealle synna synd manna bearnum forgyfene. ∧ bysmorunga þam ðe hi bysmeriað;

29   Soþlice ic eow secge se þe ðone halgan gast bysmerað. se næfð on ecnysse forgyfenesse; Ac bið &edia;ces gyltes scyldig.

30   forþam þe hi cwædon he hæfð unclænne gast.

31   Þa com to him his modor ∧ his gebroðra. ∧ þar-ute stodon ∧ to him sendon. ∧ to him clypedon.

32   ∧ mycel menigu ymb hine sæt and to him cwædon. her is þin modor ∧ þine gebroðra &udia;te ∧ secaþ þe;

33   He þa him andswarode ∧ cwæð. hwylc is min modor ∧ mine gebroþru.

34   ∧ he cwæþ ða behealdende þe him abuton sæton. her is min modor ∧ mine gebroðru;

35   Soðlice se ðe d&edia;þ godes willan se is min modor ∧ min broðor ∧ swustor. CHAPTER IV.

1   ∧ eft he ongan hi æt þære sædia; læran. ∧ him wæs mycel menegu togegaderod; Swa &thaet; he on scip eode. ∧ on þære sædia; wæs. ∧ eall seo menegu ymbe þa [sædia;] wæron on lande.

2   ∧ he hi fela on bigspellum lærde. ∧ him to cwæð on his lare.

3   gehyrað;
note &cross2; Ut eode se sædia;dere his sædia;d to sawenne.

4   ∧ þa he sew sum feoll wið þone weg. ∧ fugelas comon ∧ hit fræton;

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5   Sum feoll ofer stan-scyligean þar hit næfde mycele eorðan. ∧ sona &udia;p e&odia;de. ∧ forþam hit næfde eorþan þiccnesse.

6   þa hit up-eode. Seo sunne hit forswælde. ∧ hit forscranc. forþam hit wyrt-ruman næfde.

7   ∧ sum feoll on þornas. þa stigon ða þ&odia;rnas ∧ forðrysmodon &thaet;. ∧ hit wæstm ne bær.

8   ∧ sum feoll on god land ∧ hit sealde upp-stigende ∧ wexende wæstm; ∧ &adia;n brohte þritig-fealdne; Sum syxtig-fealdne; Sum hund-fealdne;

9   And he cwæð. gehyre se ðe earan hæbbe to gehyranne.

10   ∧ þa he ana wæs hine axodon &thaet; bigspell þa twelfe þe mid him wæron.

11   ∧ he sæde him. eow is geseald to witanne godes r&idia;ces ger&ydia;nu; Þam þe &udia;te synt ealle þing on bigspellum gewurþað.

12   &thaet; hi geseonde geseon ∧ na ne ge-seon ∧ gehyrende gehyren ∧ ne ongyten þe læs hi hwænne s&ydia;n gescyrede. ∧ him s&idia;n hyra synna forgyfene;

13   Ða sæde he him. ge nyton þis bigspell. ∧ hu mage ge ealle bigspell witan;

14   Se þe sæwð. word he sæwð;

15   Soðlice þa synt wið þone weg þar &thaet; word is gesawen. ∧ þonne hi hit gehyrað; Sona cymð satanas ∧ afyrð &thaet; word þe on heora heortan asawen ys.

16   ∧ þa synt gelice þe synt ofer þa stan-scylian gesawen; Sona þænne hi &thaet; word gehyrað. ∧ &thaet; mid blisse onfoð.

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17   ∧ hi nabbað wyrtruman on him. ac beoð unstaðolfæste. ∧ syþþan upcymð deofles costnung ∧ his ehtnys for þam worde;

18   Hi synd on þornum gesawen. &thaet; synd þa ðe &thaet; word gehyrað.

19   ∧ of-yrmðe ∧ swicdome worold-welene. ∧ oðra gewilnunga &thaet; word of-þrysmað. ∧ synt buton wæstme gewordene.

20   ∧ þa ðe gesawene synt ofer &thaet; gode land. þa synd þe &thaet; word gehyrað ∧ onfoð. ∧ wæstm bringað. Sum þritig-fealdne. sum syxtig-fealdne. ∧ sum hund-fealdne;

21   He sæde him cwyst þu cymð &thaet; leoht-fæt &thaet; hit beo under bydene asett. oððe under bedde. witegere &thaet; hit sy ofer candel-stæf asett;

22   Soðlice nis nan ðing behydd þe ne sy geswutelod; ne nis digle geworden. ac &thaet; hit openlice cume;

23   Gehyre gif hwa earan hæbbe to gehyranne.

24   ∧ he cwæð to him warniað hwæt ge gehyran. ∧ on þam gemete. þe ge metað eow bið gemeten ∧ eow bið ge-ict.

25   þam bið geseald þe hæfð ∧ þam ðe næfð. eac &thaet; he hæfð him bið æt-broden.

26   ∧ he "h;. godes rice ys swylce man wurpe god sæd on his land

27   ∧ sawe ∧ arise dæges ∧ nihtes. ∧ &thaet; sæd. growe ∧ wexe þonne he nat;

28   Soðlice sylf-willes seo eorðe wæstm berað ærest gærs syððan ear. syþþan fullne hwæte on þam eare;

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29   And þonne se wæstm hine forð-bringð. sona he sent his s&idia;col forþam &thaet; rip ædia;t is.

30   ∧ eft he cwæð. for hwam geanlicie we heofena r&idia;ce. oððe hwylcum bigspelle wið-mete we hit;

31   Swa swa senepes sæd. þonne hit bið on eorðan gesawen. hit is ealra sæda læst þe on eorðan synt.

32   ∧ þonne hit asawen bið hit astihþ. ∧ bið ealra wyrta mæst ∧ hæfð swa mycele b&odia;gas &thaet; heofenes fugelas eardian magon under his sceade.

33   ∧ manegum swylcum bigspellum he spræc to him þæt hi mihton gehyran;

34   Ne spæc he na butan bigspelle. eall he his leorning-cnihtum asundron rehte.

35   ∧ sæde him þonne æfen bið uton faran agen;

36   And þas menigu forlædia;tan; hi onfengon hine swa he on scipe wæs. ∧ oþre scipu wæron mid him.

37   ∧ þa wæs mycel &ydia;st windes geworden. ∧ yþa he awearp on &thaet; scyp &thaet; hit gefylled wæs

38   ∧ he wæs on scipe ofer bolster slapende. ∧ hi awehton hine ∧ cwædon. ne be-limpð to þe &thaet; we forwurþað.

39   ∧ he ar&adia;s ∧ þam winde bebead. ∧ cwæð to ðære sædia;; Suwa ∧ gestille. ∧ se wind geswac þa. ∧ wearð mycel smyltnes.

40   ∧ he sæde him hwi synt ge forhte. gyt ge nabbað geleafan.

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41   ∧ hi micclum ege him ondredon. ∧ cwædon ælc to oðrum hwæt wenst þu hwæt is ðes &thaet; him [wyndas ∧] sædia; hyrsumiað; CHAPTER V.

1    note Ða comon hi ofer þære sædia;s muðan on &thaet; r&idia;ce. hierasen&odia;rum

2   ∧ him of scipe gangendum him sona agen &adia;rn &adia;n man of þam byrgenum on unclænum gaste;

3   Se hæfde on byrgenum scræf ∧ hine n&adia;n man mid racenteagum ne mihte gebindan.

4   forþam he oft mid fot-coppsum ∧ racenteagum gebunden. toslat þa raceteaga ∧ þa fot-coppsas tobræc. ∧ hine n&adia;n man gewyldan ne mihte.

5   ∧ symle dæges ∧ nihtes he wæs on byrgenum and on muntum. hrymende ∧ hine sylfne mid stanum ceorfende;

6   Soðlice ða he þone hælend feorran geseah. he &adia;rn ∧ hine gebæd.

7   ∧ mycelre stemne hrymende ∧ þus "h;. eala mæra hælend godes sunu hwæt is me ∧ þe. Ic halsige þe ðurh god &thaet; ðu me ne þreage;

8   Þa cwæð se hælend. eala unclæna gast. ga of ðysum men;

9   Ða ahsode he hine hwæt is þin nama. þa cwæð he min nama is legio. forþam we manega synt.

10   ∧ he hine swyðe bæd &thaet; he hine of þam rice ne dyde.

11   þar wæs embe þone munt mycel swyna heord lædia;sgende.

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12   ∧ þa unclænan gastas hine bædon ∧ cwædon; Send &udia;s on þas swyn &thaet; we [on] hi geg&adia;n.

13   ∧ þa lyfde se hælend sona. ∧ ða eodon þa unclænan gastas on þa sw&ydia;n. ∧ on myclum hryre seo heord wearð on sædia; besceofen. twa þusendo ∧ wurdon adruncene. on ðære sædia;;

14   Soþlice þa ðe hi heoldon flugon ∧ cyddon on þære ceastre ∧ on lande ∧ h&idia; ut eodon &thaet; hi ge-sawon hwæt þar ged&odia;n wædia;re.

15   ∧ hi comon to þam hælende ∧ hi gesawon þone ðe mid deofle gedreht wæs. gescrydne sittan. [∧] hales modes. ∧ hi him ondredon.

16   ∧ hi rehton him þa ðe hit gesawon hu hit ged&odia;n wæs. be þam ðe deofol-seocnesse hæfde ∧ be þam swynum.

17   ∧ hi bædon &thaet; he of hyra ge-mærum fore;

18   Þa he on scip eode hine ongan biddan se ðe ædia;r mid deofle gedreht wæs. &thaet; he mid him wære;

19   Him þa se hælend ne getiðode. ac he sæde him ga to þinum huse to þinum h&idia;wum ∧ cyð him hu mycel drihten gedyde ∧ he ge-miltsode þe;

20   And he ða ferde ∧ ongan bodigean on decapolim hu fela se hælend him dyde. ∧ hig ealle þæs wundredon;

21   And þa se hælend eft on scype ferde ofer þone muþan him com to mycel menigu ∧ wæs ymbe þa sædia;.

-- --

22   ∧ ða com sum of heah-gesamnungum i&adia;irus hatte; ∧ þa he hine geseah he astrehte hine to his fotum

23   ∧ hine swyðe bæd. ∧ he cwæð; Min dohtor is on ytemestum siðe. cum ∧ sete þine hand ofer hi &thaet; heo hal sy ∧ lybbe;

24   Ða ferde he mid him ∧ him fyligde mycel menigeo ∧ þrungon hine;

25   ∧ þa &thaet; w&idia;f ðe on blodryne twelf winter wæs.

26   ∧ fram manegum læcum fela þinga þolode. ∧ dælde eall &thaet; heo ahte. ∧ hit naht ne fremode. ac wæs þe wyrse;

27   Þa heo be ðam hælende gehyrde heo com wið-æftan þa menigu ∧ his reaf æt-hr&adia;n;

28   Soðlice heo cwæð gif ic f&udia;rþon his reafes æt-hr&idia;ne ic beo h&adia;l;

29   And þa sona wearð hyre blodes ryne adruwod. ∧ heo on hire gefredde &thaet; heo of þam w&idia;te gehæled wæs;

30   And þa se hælend on-cneow on him sylfum &thaet; him mægen of-eode. he cwæð bewend to þære menigu; Hwa æthran mines reafes.

31   þa cwædon his leorning-cnihtas þu ge-syxst þas menigu þe ðringende. ∧ þu cwyst hwa æt-hran me;

32   And þa beseah he hine &thaet; he ge-sawe þæne ðe &thaet; dyde;

33   Ðat w&idia;f þa ondrædende ∧ forhtigende com ∧ astrehte hi be-foran him ∧ sæde him eall &thaet; riht;

-- --

34   Þa cwæð se hælend. dohtor þin geleafa þe hale gedyde. ga þe on sibbe ∧ beo of ðisum hal;

35   Him þa gyt sprecendum hi comon fram þam heah-gesamnungum ∧ cwædon; Ð&idia;n dohtor is dead. hwi drecst þu leng þone lareow;

36   Þa he ge-hyrde &thaet; word þa cwæð se hælend ne ondræd þu ðe gelyf for &adia;n;

37   And he ne l&edia;t him ænigne fyligean. buton petrum. ∧ iacobum. ∧ iohannem. Iacobes broðor

38   ∧ hi comon on þæs heah-ealdres hus. ∧ he ge-seah mycel gehlyd wepende ∧ geomriende;

39   And þa he ineode he "h;. hwi synd ge gedrefede ∧ wepað. nis þis mæden na dead ac heo slæpð;

40   Ða tældon hi hine; He þa eallum &udia;t adrifenum. nam petrum ∧ þæs mædenes modor. ∧ þa ðe mid him wæron. ∧ inn-eodon suwiende þar &thaet; mæden wæs.

41   ∧ hire hand nam ∧ cwæð. thalim-tha cumi. &thaet; is on ure geþeode gereht. mæden þe ic secge ar&idia;s;

42   ∧ heo sona aras ∧ eode; Soðlice heo wæs twelf wintre. ∧ ealle hi wundredon mycelre wundrunge.

43   ∧ he him þearle bebead &thaet; hi hyt nanum men ne sædia;don ∧ he het hire etan syllan;

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1   And þa he ðanon eode he ferde on his eðel. ∧ him folgodon his leorning-cnihtas;

2   ∧ gewordenum reste-dæge he ongann on gesamnunge lædia;ran ∧ manege gehyrdon ∧ wundrodon on his l&adia;re ∧ cwædon; Hwanon synd þyssum ealle þas ðincg and hwæt is se wisdom þe him ge-seald is. ∧ swylce mihta þe ðurh his handa gewordene synd;

3   Hu nys [þys] se smið marian sunu. iacobes broðor. ∧ Iosepes. ∧ iude [∧] simonis. hu ne synt his swustra her mid &udia;s. ∧ þa wurdon hi gedrefede.

4   þa cwæð se hælend; Soðlice nis n&adia;n witega buton wurðscipe. buton on his eðele ∧ on his mægðe. ∧ on his h&udia;se;

5   And he ne mihte þar ænig mægen wyrcan. buton feawa untrume on-asettum his handum he ge-hælde.

6   ∧ he wundrode for heora ungeleafan;
He ða lær[en]de þa castel be-ferde.

7   ∧ him twelfe togeclypode. ∧ agan hi sendan twam ∧ twam. ∧ him anweald sealde unclænra gasta.

8   ∧ him bebead &thaet; hi naht on wege ne namon. buton gyrde &adia;ne. ne codd ne hlaf. ne feoh on heora gyrdlum;

9   Ac ge-sceode mid calcum ∧ &thaet; hi mid twam tunecum gescrydde næron;

10   And he cwæð to him; Swa hwylc h&udia;s swa ge ingað. wuniað þar oð &thaet; ge &udia;t-gan.

-- --

11   ∧ swa hwylce swa eow ne ge-hyrað. þonne ge þanon &udia;t gað &adia;sceacað &thaet; dust of eowrum fotum. him on ge-witnesse;

12   And &udia;t-gangende hi bodedon &thaet; hi dædbote dydon

13   ∧ hi manega deofol-seocnessa &udia;t-adrifon. ∧ manega untrume mid ele smyredon ∧ gehældon;

14   And þa gehyrde herodes se cyng þæt; Soþlice his nama wæs swutol geworden ∧ he cwæð; Witodlice Iohannes se fulluhtere of deaðe aras. ∧ on him synd forþam mægenu geworht;

15   Sume cwædon he is elias. sume cwædon he is witega swylce &adia;n of þam witegum;

16   Ða herodes &thaet; ge-hyrde he cwæð; Se iohannes þe ic be-heafdode se aras of deaðe;

17    note Soðlice herodes sende ∧ h&edia;t iohannem gebindan on cwerterne. for þære herodiadiscan his broðar l&adia;fe philippus. for þam ðe he nam hi;

18   Þa sædia;de Iohannes her&odia;de. nys þe alyfed to hæbbenne þines broðer w&idia;f;

19   Ða syrwde herodias ymbe hine ∧ wolde hine of-slean ∧ heo ne mihte;

20   Soðlice herodes on-dred Iohannem ∧ wiste &thaet; he wæs rihtwis. ∧ halig. ∧ he heold hine on cwerterne. ∧ he ge-hyrde &thaet; he fela wundra worhte ∧ he luflice him hyrde;

21   Þa se dæg com herodes gebrydt&idia;de he ge-gearwode mycele feorme his ealdor-mannum. ∧ þam fyrmestum on galilea.

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22   ∧ þa ða þære herodiadiscan dohtor inneode ∧ tumbode. hit licode her&odia;de. ∧ eallum þam ðe him mid sæton; Se cing cwæð þa to ðam mædene. bide me swa hwæt swa þu wylle ∧ ic þe sylle;

23   And he sw&odia;r hire. soðes ic þe sylle swa hwæt swa þu me bitst. þeah þu wylle healf min rice;

24   Ða heo &udia;t eode heo cwæð to hyre meder; Hwæs bidde ic; Þa cwæþ heo. iohannes heafod þæs fulluhteres;

25   Sona þa heo mid ofste inn to þam cinincge eode. heo bæd ∧ þus cwæð; Ic wylle &thaet; ðu me hrædlice on anum disce sylle iohannes heafod;

26   Þa wearð se cinincg geunr&edia;t for þam aðe. ∧ for þam ðe him mid sæton; Nolde þeah hi ge-unretan.

27   ac sende ænne cwellere ∧ bebead &thaet; man his heafod on &adia;num disce brohte; And he hine þa on cwerterne beheafdode.

28   ∧ his heafod on disce brohte ∧ hit sealde þam mædene. ∧ &thaet; mæden hit sealde hire meder;

29   Ða his cnihtas &thaet; ge-hyrdon hi c&odia;mon ∧ his l&idia;c namon. ∧ hine on byrgene ledon;

30   Soðlice þa ða apostolas togædere comon. hi cyddon þam hælende eall &thaet; hi dydon ∧ hi lærdon.

31   ∧ he sæde him; Cumað ∧ uton g&adia;n onsundron on weste stowe. ∧ us hwon restan; Soðlice manega wæron þe comon ∧ ag&edia;n-hwyrfdon ∧ fyrst næfdon &thaet; hi ædia;ton.

32   ∧ on scyp stigende. hi f&odia;ron onsundran on weste stowe.

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33   ∧ gesawon hi farende. ∧ hi ge-cneowon manega; And gangende of þam burgum þyder &udia;rnon. ∧ him beforan comon;

34   And þa se hælend ðanon eode. he geseah mycele menegu. ∧ he ge-miltsode him for þam þe hi wæron swa swa sc&edia;p þe nanne hyrde nabbað; And he ongan hi fela lædia;ran.

35   ∧ þa hit mycel ylding wæs. his leorning-cnihtas him to comon ∧ cwædon. þeos stow is w&edia;ste ∧ t&idia;ma is forð ag&adia;n.

36   forlæt þas menegu. &thaet; hi faran on ge-hende tunas. ∧ him mete bicgan. &thaet; hi eton;

37   Þa cwæð he sylle ge him etan; Ða cwædon hi uton gan. ∧ mid twam hundred penegon hlafas bicgan. ∧ we him etan syllað;

38   Ða cwæð he hu fela hlafa hæbbe ge. gað ∧ lociað. ∧ þa hi wiston hi cwædon. fif hlafas ∧ twegen fixas.

39   ∧ þa be-bead se hælend &thaet; ðæt folc sæte ofer &thaet; grene hig.

40   ∧ hi þa sæton hundredon ∧ fiftigon.

41   ∧ fif hlafum. ∧ twam fixum onfangenum he on heofon locode ∧ hi bletsode. ∧ þa hlafas bræc. ∧ sealde his leorning-cnihtum. &thaet; hi toforan him asetton. ∧ twegen fixas him eallon dælde

42   ∧ hi æton þa ealle ∧ gefyllede wurdon;

43   And hi namon þara hlafa. ∧ fixa lafe. twelf wilian fulle;

44   Soðlice fif þusend manna þara etendra wædia;ron;

-- --

45    note Ða sona he nydde his leorning-cnihtas on scyp st&idia;gan. &thaet; hi him beforan foron ofer þæne muþan to bethsaida. oþ he &thaet; folc for-lete;

46   And þa he hi for-let he ferde on þone munt ∧ hine ana þar gebæd;

47   And þa æfen wæs &thaet; scyp wæs on middre sædia;. ∧ he ana wæs on lande

48   ∧ he ge-seah hi on rewette swincende. him wæs wiðer-weard wind; And on niht embe þa feorþan wæccan he com to him ofer þa sædia; gangende. ∧ wolde hi for-bugan;

49   Þa hi hine gesawon ofer þa sædia; gangende hi wendon &thaet; hit unfæle gast wære. ∧ hi clypedon;

50   Hi ealle hine gesawon. ∧ wurdon gedrefede ∧ sona he spræc to him ∧ cwæð; Gelyfaþ ic hit eom. ne þurfon ge eow ondrædan.

51   ∧ he on scyp to him eode. ∧ se wind gesw&adia;c ∧ hi þæs þe m&adia; betwux him wundredon.

52   ne ongeton hi be þam hlafon; Soðlice heora heorte wæs ablend;

53   And þa hi ofer-segledon. hi comon to genes&adia;r. ∧ þar wicedon.

54   ∧ þa hi of scipe eodon. sona hi hine gecneowon;

55   And eall &thaet; r&idia;ce befarende hi on sæccingum bæron þa untruman. þar hi hine gehyrdon;

-- --

56   And swa hwar swa he on w&idia;c oþþe on t&udia;nas eode. on stræton hi þa untruman ledon. ∧ hine bædon &thaet; hi huru his refes fnæd æt-hrinon. ∧ swa fela swa hine æt-hrinon hi wurdon hale. CHAPTER VII.

1    note Þa comon to him pharisei ∧ sume boceras cumende fram hierusalem.

2   ∧ þa hi ge-sawon sume of his leorning-cnihton besmitenum handum &thaet; is &udia;nþwogenum handum etan. hi tældon hi ∧ cwædon;

3   Pharisei ∧ ealle iudeas ne etað buton hi hyra handa gelomlice þwean. healdende hyra yldrena gesetnessa.

4   ∧ on strædia;te hi ne etað buton hi geþwegene beon. ∧ manega oþre synd þe him gesette synt. &thaet; is calicea frymða. ∧ ceaca. ∧ &adia;rfata. ∧ mæstlinga;

5   And þa axodon hine pharisei ∧ þa boceras. hwi ne gað þine leorning-cnihtas æfter ure yldrena gesetnysse. ac besmitenum handum hyra hlaf þicgað;

6   Ða andswarode he him; Wel witegod isaias be eow licceterum swa hit awriten is; Þis folc me mid welerum wurðað. soðlice hyra heorte is feor fram me.

7   on idel hi me wurðiað. ∧ manna l&adia;re ∧ bebodu lædia;rað;

8   Soþlice ge forlætað godes bebod. ∧ healdað manna laga. þweala ceaca ∧ calica. ∧ manega oþre þylce ðing ge doð;

-- --

9   Ða sæde he him. wel ge on idel dydon godes bebod &thaet; ge eower laga healdon;

10   Moyses cwæð. wurða þinne fæder ∧ þine modor. ∧ se ðe wyrigþ his fæder ∧ his modor. swelte se deaþe;

11   Soðlice ge cweþað. gif hwa segð his fæder ∧ meder corb&adia;n &thaet; is on ure geðeode gyfu. gif hwylc is of me þe fremað.

12   ∧ ofer &thaet; ge ne lætað hine ænig þing d&odia;n his fæder oððe meder

13   toslitende godes bebod. for eower st&udia;ntan lage þe ge gesetton. ∧ manega oþre þing ðysum gelice ge doð;

14   And eft þa menegu he him toclypode ∧ cwæð; Ge-hyraþ me ealle ∧ ongytað;

15   Nis n&adia;n þing of þam men on hine gangende &thaet; hine besm&idia;tan mæge; Ac þa ðing þe of ðam men forð-gað. þa hine besmitað.

16   gif hwa earan hæbbe gehlyste me;

17   And þa se hælend fram þære menegu eode his leorning-cnihtas hine &adia;n big-spell ahsodon;

18   Þa cwæð he. ∧ synt ge þus ungleawe ne on-gyte ge. &thaet; eall þæt utan cymð on þone man gangende. ne mæg hine besmitan.

19   forþam hit ne gæð on his heortan. ac on his innoð. ∧ on forð-gang gew&idia;teð ealle mettas clænsigende;

20   Ða sæde he him &thaet; ða þing ðe of þam men gað. þa hine besmitað;

-- --

21   Innan of manna heortan. yfele geþancas cumað. unriht-hæmedu. ∧ forligeru. manslihtas.

22   [stala.] gytsung. m&adia;n. facnu. sceamleast. yfel gesihð. dysinessa. ofer-modignessa. stuntscipe.

23   ∧ ealle þas yfelu of þam innoðe cumað ∧ þone man besmitað;

24   Ða ferde he þanon on þa endas t&idia;ri ∧ sid&odia;nis. ∧ he in-ag&adia;n on &thaet; h&udia;s. he nolde &thaet; hit ænig wiste. ∧ he ne mihte hit be-miðan;

25   Sona þa &adia;n wif be him ge-hyrde. þære dohtor hæfde unclædia;ne gast. heo ineode. ∧ to his fotum hi astrehte;

26   Soðlice &thaet; w&idia;f wæs hæðen. sirofenisces cynnes. ∧ bæd hine &thaet; he ðone deofol of hyre dehter adrife;

27   Þa sæde he hire; Læt ærust þa bearn beon gefylled. nis na g&odia;d &thaet; man nime þara bearna hlaf. ∧ hundum worpe;

28   Ða ∧swarode heo ∧ &cbar;þ; Drihten &thaet; is soð; Witodlice þa hwelpas etað under þære m&ydia;san. of ðara cilda cruman;

29   Þa sæde he hyre for þære spræce; Ga n&udia;. se deofol of ðinre dehter gew&idia;t;

30   And þa heo on hyre hus eode heo gemette &thaet; mæden on hyre bedde licgende. ∧ þone deofol ut-g&adia;n;

31    note And eft he eode of t&idia;ra gemærum ∧ com þurh sid&odia;nem to þære galileiscan sædia; betwux midde endas decap&odia;leos.

-- --

32   ∧ hi læddon him ænne deafne ∧ dumbne. ∧ hine bædon &thaet; he his hand him on sette;

33   Ða nam he hine onsundran of þære menigu. ∧ his fingras on his earan dyde ∧ spætende his tungan onhr&adia;n;

34   ∧ on þone heofon behealdende ge&odia;mrode ∧ cwæð; Effeta. &thaet; is on ure geþeode sy þ&udia; ontyned;

35   And sona wurdon his earan geopenode. ∧ his tungan bend wearð unslyped ∧ he rihte spræc;

36   And he bead him &thaet; hi hit nanum men ne sædon; Soþlice swa he him swiþor bebead. swa hi swiðor bodedon.

37   ∧ þæs þe ma wundredon ∧ cwædon; Ealle þing he wel dyde. ∧ he dyde &thaet; deafe gehyrdon. ∧ dumbe spræcon; CHAPTER VIII.

1    note Eft on þam dagum him wæs mid micel menigu ∧ næfdon hwæt hi æton; Þa cwæþ he to-somne geclypedum his leorning-cnihtum;

2   Ic ge-miltsige þysse menegu. forþam hi þry dagas me ge-anbidiað ∧ nabbað hwæt hi eton;

3   Gif ic h&idia; fæstende to hyra husum læte. be wege hi ge-teorigeað; Sume hi comon feorran.

4   ∧ þa ∧swarodan him his leorning-cnihtas; Hwanon mæg ænig man þas mid hlafum on þisum westene gefyllan;

-- --

5   Þa axode he hi hu fela hlafa hæbbe ge. hi cwædon seofan;

6   Ða het he sittan þa menegu ofer þa eorþan; And nam þa seofon hlafas ∧ gode þancode. ∧ hi bræc ∧ sealde his leorning-cnihtum &thaet; hi toforan him asetton. ∧ hi swa dydon;

7   And hi næfdon buton feawa fixa ∧ he þa bletsode. ∧ het beforan him settan.

8   ∧ hi æton ∧ wurdon gefyllede ∧ hi n&adia;mon &thaet; of þam brytsenum bel&adia;f. seofon wilian fulle;

9   Soðlice þa ðe þar ædia;ton. wæron fif þusend ∧ he hi þa for-l&edia;t;

10   [A]nd sona he on scyp mid his leorning-cnihtum astah. ∧ com on þa dælas dalmanuða;

11   And þa ferdon ða pharisei. ∧ ongunnon mid him smeagean ∧ tacen of heofone sohton ∧ his fandedon;

12   Þa "h;. he geomriende on his gaste. hwi secð þeos cneoris tacen; Soþlice ic eow secge ne bið þisse cneorisse tacen geseald.

13   ∧ hi þa forlætende eft on scyp astah. ∧ ferde ofer þone muðan.

14   ∧ hi ofergeton &thaet; hi hlafas ne namon. ∧ hi næfdon on scype mid him buton ænne hl&adia;f.

15   ∧ he him bead ∧ cwæð; Lociað ∧ warniað fram pharisea ∧ herodes hæfe;

-- --

16   Þa þohton hi betwux him ∧ cwædon; Næbbe we n&adia;ne hlafas.

17   þa se hælend &thaet; wiste. he cwæð. Hwæt þence ge forþam ge hlafas nabbað. g&ydia;t ge ne oncnawað ne ne ongytað. gyt ge habbað eowre heortan geblende;

18   Eagan ge habbað ∧ ne ge-seoð. ∧ earan. ∧ ne gehyrað. ne g&edia; ne þencaþ

19   hwænne ic bræc f&idia;f hlafas ∧ twegen fixas ∧ hu fela wyligena ge namon fulle; Hi cwædon þa twelfe;

20   And hwænne seofon hlafas feower þusendum. ∧ hu fela wyligena. brytsyna ge namon. hi sædon seofon;

21   Ða sæde he him hwi ne ongyte ge g&ydia;t;

22   And hi comon þa to bedzaida ∧ hi brohton him þa ænne blindne ∧ hine bædon &thaet; he hine æthrine.

23   ∧ þa æthran he þæs blindan hand ∧ lædde hine butan þa w&idia;c. ∧ spætte on his eagan. ∧ his hand onasette ∧ hine axode hwæþer he aht gesawe;

24   Ða cwæð he þa ða he hine beseah. ic ge-seo men swylce treow gangende;

25   Eft he asette his handa ofer his eagan ∧ he geseah þa. ∧ wearð ge-edniwod. swa &thaet; he beorhtlice eall geseah;

26   Ða sende he hine to his huse. ∧ cwæð g&adia; to þinum huse. ∧ ðeah þu on t&udia;n g&adia; nænegum þu hit ne sege;

-- --

27    note Ða eode he ∧ his leorning-cnihtas on &thaet; castel cesareæ philippi. ∧ he on wege his leorning-cnihtas ahsode. Hwæt secgað men &thaet; ic sy;

28   Þa andswarodon hi. sume Iohannem þone fulluhtere. sume heliam sume sumne of þam witegum;

29   Ða cwæð he hwæt secge ge &thaet; ic sy; Þa andswarude petrus him ∧ cwæð; Ðu eart crist.

30   ∧ ða bead he him. &thaet; hi nænegum be him ne sædon;

31   Ða ongan he hi læran &thaet; mannes sunu gebyreð fela þinga þolian ∧ beon aworpen fram ealdormannum. ∧ heahsacerdum ∧ b&odia;cerum ∧ beon ofslegen. ∧ æfter þrim dagum ar&idia;san.

32   ∧ spræc þa openlice. ∧ þa nam petrus hine ∧ ongan hine þreagean

33   þa be-wende he hine ∧ cidde petre ∧ cwæð; G&adia; on-bæc satanas forþam þu nast þa ðing þe synd godes. ac þa ðing þe synd manna;

34   Þa cwæð he togædere geclypedre menegu mid his leorning-cnihtum; Gif hwa wyle me fyligean wið-sace hine sylfne ∧ nime his cwylminge ∧ folgige m&edia;;

35   Se ðe wyle his sawle hale gedon se hi for-spilð; Se ðe for-spilð his sawle for me. ∧ for þam godspelle se hi ge-hælð;

36   Hwæt fremað men ðeah he eallne middan-eard gestryne. ∧ do his sawle forwyrd.

-- --

37   oþþe hwylc gewryxl sylð se man for his sawle;

38   Soðlice se þe me for-syhð ∧ mine word on þisre unriht-hæmedan ∧ synfulran cneorisse. ðone mannes sunu for-syhþ; Ðonne he cymð on his fæder wuldre mid halgum englum; CHAPTER IX.

1   Þa sæde he him soðlice ic secge eow. &thaet; sume synt her wuniende. þe deað ne onbyrigeað. ær hi ge-seon godes rice on mægne cuman;

2    note Ða æfter syx dagum nam se hælend petrum ∧ iacobum ∧ iohannem ∧ lædde hi sylfe onsundran on sumne heahne munt ∧ wearð beforan him ofer-hiwud.

3   ∧ his reaf wurdon glitiniende swa hwite swa snaw. swa nan fullere ofer eorðan ne mæg swa hwite ged&odia;n;

4   Þa æt-ywde him helias mid moyse ∧ to him spræcon;

5   Ða andswarode petrus him ∧ cwæð. lareow g&odia;d is &thaet; we her beon ∧ uton wyrcan her þreo eardung-stowa. þ&edia; ane. ∧ moyse ane. ∧ helie ane;

6   Soðlice he nyste hwæt he cwæð. he wæs afæred mid ege;

7   And seo lyft hi ofer-sceadewude. ∧ stefn com of þære lyfte ∧ cwæð. þes is min leofesta sunu gehyrað hine;

-- --

8   And sona ða hi besawon h&idia; nanne hi mid him ne gesawon buton þone hælend sylfne mid him;

9   And þa hi of þam munte astigon he bead him &thaet; hi nanum ne sædon þa ðing þe hi ge-sawon buton þonne mannes sunu of deaðe ar&idia;se;

10   Hi þa ðæt word geheoldon betwux him ∧ smeadon hwæt &thaet; wære þonne he of deaðe arise;

11   And hi hine ahsodon þa. hwæt secgað pharisei ∧ þa boceras. &thaet; gebyrað ærest helias cume;

12   Ða sæde he him andswariende; Helias ealle þing ge-edniwað þonne he cymð. swa be mannes suna awriten is &thaet; h&edia; fela ðolige ∧ si ofer-hogod;

13   Ac ic secge eow &thaet; helias com ∧ hi dydon him swa hwæt swa hi woldon swa be him awriten is;

14   And þa he com to his leorning-cnihtum he ge-seah mycele menegu abutan hi ∧ boceras mid him sprecende.

15   ∧ sona eall folc þæne hælend geseonde wearð afæryd ∧ forht. ∧ hine gretende him to urnon;

16   Þa ahsode he hi. hwæt smeage ge betwux eow;

17    note Him ∧swarode &adia;n of þære menigu; L&adia;reow. ic brohte minne sunu dumbne gast hæbbende

-- --

18   se swa hwær swa he hine gelæcð forgnit hine. ∧ toðum gristbitað ∧ for-scrincþ. ∧ ic sæde þinum leorning-cnihtum &thaet; hi hine ut adrifon ∧ hi ne mihton;

19   Ða ∧swarode he him. eala ungeleaffulle cneorys swa lange swa ic mid eow beo. swa lange ic eow þolige; Bringað hine to me.

20   þa brohton hi hine. ∧ þa he hine geseah sona se g&adia;st hine gedrefde ∧ on eorðan for-gnyden fædia;mende he tearflode;

21   And þa ahsode he his fæder. hu lang tid is syððan him þis gebyrede; Þa cwæð he of cildhade.

22   he hine gel&odia;mlice on fyr ∧ on wæter sende &thaet; he hine for-spilde; Ac gif þu hwæt miht gefylst us ure gemiltsud;

23   Ða cwæð se hælend. gif þu gelyfan miht ealle þing synd gelyfedum mihtlice;

24   Ða sona hrymde þæs cildes fæder. ∧ wepende cwæð; Drihten ic gelyfe. gefylst minre ungeleaffulnysse;

25   And þa se hælend geseah þa to-yrnendan menegu. he bebead þam unclænan gaste þus cweðende; Eala deafa ∧ dumba gast. ic beode þe g&adia; of him ∧ ne ga þu leng on hine;

26   He ða hrymende ∧ hine swyþe slitende eode of him. ∧ he wæs swylce he dead wære; Swa &thaet; manega cwædon soðlice he is dead;

-- --

27   Þa nam se hælend his hand ∧ hine up ah&odia;f ∧ he aras þa;

28   And þa he into þam huse eode his leorning-cnihtas hine digollice ahsodon. hw&idia; ne mihton we hine ut adrifan;

29   Ða sæde he þis cynn ne mæg of nanum men &udia;t g&adia;n buton þurh gebedu ∧ on fæstene;

30   Þa hi þanon ferdon hi forbugon galileam. he nolde &thaet; hit ænig man wiste;

31   Soðlice he lærde his leorning-cnihtas ∧ sæde; Soþlice mannes sunu bið geseald on synfulra handa &thaet; hi hine ofslean. ∧ ofslagen þam ðriddan dæge he arist;

32   Ða nyston hi &thaet; word. ∧ hi adredon hine ahsiende;

33   Þa comon hi to capharnaum ∧ þa hi æt ham wæron he ahsode h&idia; hwæt smeade g&edia; be wege.

34   ∧ hi suwodon; Witodlice hi on wege smeadon hwylc hyra yldost wære;

35   Þa he sæt he clypode hi twelfe ∧ sæde him. gif eower hwylc wyle beon fyrmest. beo se eaðmodust ∧ eower ealra þen;

36   Þa nam he anne cnapan ∧ ge-sette on hyra middele. þa he hine beclypte he sæde him;

37   Swa hwylc swa anne of þus geradum cnapum on minum naman onfehð. se onfehþ me; And se þe me onfehð he ne onfehþ me. ac þone þe me sende;

-- --

38    note Ða ∧swarode iohannes ∧ cwæð; Lareow sumne we ge-sawon on þinum naman deofol-seocnessa ut adrifende. se ne fyligð us. ∧ we him forbudon;

39   Þa cwæð he ne for-beode ge him nis n&adia;n þe on minum naman mægen wyrce ∧ mæge raðe be me yfele specan;

40   Se þe nis agen eow se is for eow;

41   Soðlice se ðe sylð drinc eow calic fulne wæteres on minum naman forþam ge cristes synt. ic eow soþ secge. ne forlyst he his mede;

42   And swa hwa swa ge-drefð ænne of þyssum lytlingum on me gelyfendum. betere him wære &thaet; &adia;n cweorn-stan wære to his swuran gecnyt ∧ wære on sædia; beworpen;

43   And gif þin hand þe swicað ceorf hi of; Betere þe is &thaet; þ&udia; wanhal to life ga. þonne þu twa handa hæbbe ∧ fare on helle. ∧ on unacwencedlic f&ydia;r

44   þar hyra wyrm ne swylt ∧ fyr ne bið acwenced;

45   And gif ðin fot swicað þe ceorf hine of. betere þe is &thaet; þu healt g&adia;. on &edia;c&edia; lif þonne þu hæbbe twegen fet ∧ si aworpen on helle un-acwencedlices fyres.

46   þar hyra wyrm ne swylt ne fyr ne bið adwæsced;

47   Gif þin eage þe swicað weorp hit &udia;t. betere þe is mid anum eagan g&adia;n on godes r&idia;ce þonne twa eagan hæbbende sy aworpen on helle fyr.

-- --

48   þar hyra wyrm ne swylt. ne fyr ne bið acwenced;

49   Soðlice ælc man bið mid fyre ge-sylt ∧ ælc offrung bið mid sealte gesylt;

50   G&odia;d is sealt gif &thaet; sealt unsealt biþ on þam þe ge hit syltað; Habbað sealt on eow. ∧ habbað sibbe betwux eow; CHAPTER X.

1   And þanon he com on iudeisce endas of iordane; Þa comon eft menigu to him ∧ swa swa he ge-wunode he hi lærde eft sona;

2   Ða ge-nealæhton him pharisei ∧ hine axodon. hwæþer alyfð ænegum men his wif forlætan. his þus fandigende;

3   Þa ∧swarode he him. hwæt bead moyses eow.

4   hi sædon; Moyses lyfde &thaet; man write hiw-gedales boc. ∧ hi for-l&edia;te;

5   Ða cwæð se hælend. for eower heortan heardnesse he eow wrat þis bebod;

6   Fram fruman gesceafte god hi ge-worhte wæpned-man ∧ wimman

7   ∧ cwæð. for þam se mann forlæt his fæder ∧ modor ∧ hine his wife geþeot.

8   ∧ beoð twegen on anum flæsce. witodlice ne synt na twegen ac &adia;n flæsc;

9   Þæt god ge-samnode ne syndrige &thaet; n&adia;n man;

10   And eft innan huse his leorning-cnihtas hine be þam ylcan ahsodon;

-- --

11   Ða cwæð he swa hwylc mann swa his wif forlæt ∧ oþer nimð unriht-hæmed he wyrcð. þurh hi;

12   And gif &thaet; wif hire were forlæt ∧ oþerne nimð. heo unriht-hæmð;

13    note And hi brohton him hyra lytlingas &thaet; he hi æthrine. þa ciddon his leorning-cnihtas þam ðe hi brohton;

14   Þa se hælend hi ge-seah unwurðlice he hit for-bead ∧ sæde him; Lætaþ þa lytlingas to me cuman ∧ ne for-beode ge him; Soðlice swylcera is heofona r&idia;ce;

15   Soþlice ic secge eow swa hwylc swa godes rice ne onfehð swa lytling ne mæg he [on] &thaet;;

16   Ða beclypte he h&idia;. ∧ his handa ofer hi settende bletsode hi;

17    note And þa he on wege eode sum him to arn ∧ gebigedum cneowe toforan him cwæð. ∧ bæd hine; La g&odia;da lareow hwæt do ic. &thaet; ic &edia;ce lif age;

18   Þa cwæð se hælend. hwi segst þu me godne. nis nan mann god buton god ana;

19   Canst þu ða bebodu. ne unriht-hæm þu. ne slyh þu. ne stel þu. ne sege þu lease gewitnesse. facen ne do ðu. wurða þinne fæder ∧ þine modor;

20   Ða ∧swarode h&edia; goda lareow. eall ðis ic geheold of minre geoguðe;

21   Se hælend hine þa behealdende lufode ∧ sæde him; An þing þe is wana gesyle eall &thaet; ðu age ∧ syle hit þearfum. þonne hæfst þu gold-hord on heofonum ∧ cum ∧ folga me;

-- --

22   And for þam worde he wæs ge-unret ∧ ferde gnornigende for þam he hæfde mycele æhta;

23   Þa cwæð se hælend to his leorning-cnihton hine beseonde. swyþe earfoðlice on godes rice gað þa þe feoh habbað;

24   Ða forhtodon his leorning-cnihtas be his wordum; Eft se hælend him ∧swariende cwæð. eala cild swyðe earfoðlice þa ðe on heora feo getruwigeað gað on godes rice;

25   Eaþere ys olfende to farenne þurh nædle þyrel þonne se rica ∧ se welega on godes rice g&adia;;

26   Hi þæs ðe ma betwux him wundredon ∧ cwædon ∧ hwa mæg beon hal

27   þa beheold se hælend hi ∧ cwæð; Mid mannum hit is uneaþelic ac na mid gode; Ealle þing mid gode synt eaðelice;

28   Þa ongan petrus cweþan; Witodlice we ealle þing for-leton ∧ folgodon þe;

29   Ða ∧swarode him se hælend. nis nan þe his hus for-læt. oððe gebroþru. oþþe geswustra. oððe fæder. oþþe modor. oððe bearn. oþþe æceras for me ∧ for þam god-spelle

30   þe hund-feald ne onf&odia;. nu on þisse tide. hus ∧ broðru ∧ swustru. fæder ∧ modor. ∧ bearn. ∧ æceras. mid ehtnessum ∧ on toweardre worulde &edia;ce lif;

31   Manega fyrmeste beoð ytemeste ∧ ytemeste fyrmyste;

-- --

32   Soþlice hi ferdon on wege to hierusalem ∧ se hælend him beforan eode ∧ hi adredon him hine ∧ him fyligdon. ∧ eft he nam hi twelfe ∧ ongan him secgan þa ðing þe him towearde wæron

33   &thaet; we nu astigað to hierusalem ∧ mannes sunu bið ge-seald sacerda ealdrum ∧ bocerum ∧ ealdrum. ∧ hi hine deaðe genyþeriað. ∧ hi hine þeodum syllað.

34   ∧ hi hine bysmriað ∧ hi him on spætað ∧ hine swingað ∧ of-sleað hine. ∧ he arist on þam þriddan dæge;

35   Him þa ge-nealæhton to. iacobus. ∧ Iohannes Zebedeis suna ∧ cwædon; Lareow. we wyllað &thaet; þu us do swa hwæt swa we biddað;

36   Þa cwæð he hwæt wylle gyt &thaet; ic inc d&odia;.

37   þa cwædon hi; Syle unc &thaet; wyt sitton on þinon wuldre. &adia;n on þine swyðran healfe ∧ oþer on þine wynstran;

38   Ða cwæð se hælend. gyt nyton hwæt gyt biddað; Mage gyt drincan þone calic. þe ic drince ∧ beon gefullod on þam fulluhte þe ic beo gefullod;

39   Þa cwædon hi wyt magon; Ða cwæð se hælend gyt drincað þone calic þe ic drince. gyt beoð gefullode þam fulluhte ðe ic beo gefullod;

-- --

40   Soðlice nis hit na min inc to syllene &thaet; gyt sitton on mine swyðran healfe oððe on þa wynstran. ac þam þe hit ge-gearwod ys;

41   Þa ge-bulgon þa t&ydia;ne hi be Iacobe ∧ Iohanne;

42   Ða clypode se hælend hi ∧ "h;; Wite ge &thaet; þa ðe on þeodum ealdor-scype habbað &thaet; hyra ealdras anweald ofer hi habbað;

43   Soðlice on eow hit nis swa. ac swa hwylc swa wyle mid eow yldest beon se byð eower þen.

44   ∧ se ðe wyle on eow fyrmest beon. se byþ ealra þeow;

45   Soðlice ne com mannes sunu. &thaet; him man þenode. ac &thaet; he þenode. ∧ his sawle sealde for manegra alysednysse;

46    note Þa comon hi to gericho ∧ he ferde fram gericho ∧ his leorning-cnihtas ∧ mycel menegu. timeus sunu bartimeus sæt blind wið þone weg wædla.

47   þa he ge-hyrde &thaet;. hit wæs se nazareniscea hælend. he on-gan þa clypian ∧ cweðan; Hælend. dauides sunu gemiltsa me;

48   Þa budon him manega &thaet; he suwode. he clypode þa þæs ðe ma miltsa me dauides sunu;

49   Ða æt-stod se hælend ∧ het hine clypian; Þa sædon hi þam blindan. beo geheortra ∧ ar&idia;s. se hælend þe clypað;

-- --

50   He þa awearp his reaf ∧ forð ræsde. ∧ to him com;

51   Ða cwæð se hælend. hwæt wylt þu &thaet; ic þe d&odia;; þa cwæð he. lareow &thaet; ic geseo.

52   þa cwæð se hælend to him. g&adia; þin geleafa þe halne gedyde. ∧ he sona geseah ∧ him fyligde on wege; CHAPTER XI.

1    note Ða he ge-nealæhte hierusalem ∧ bethan&idia;a to oliuetes dune. he sende his twegen leorning-cnihtas.

2   ∧ cwæð to him. faraþ to þam castele þe [ongean] &idia;nc ys and gyt þar sona gemetað assan folan getigedne. ofer þæne n&adia;n man gyt ne sæt. untigeað hine ∧ to me gelædað;

3   And gyf hwa to &idia;nc hwæt cwyð. secgað &thaet; drihten hæfð his neode. ∧ he hine sona hider læt.

4   ∧ þa hi ut-ferdon hi gemetton þone folan ute on twycenan beforan dura. getigedne. þa untigdon hi hine

5   ∧ sume þe þar stodon þus sædon him; Hwæt do gyt þone folan untigende.

6   þa cwædon hi; Swa se hælend unc bead ∧ hi leton hi þa;

7   Ða læddon hi þone folan to þam hælende ∧ hi hyra reaf on &adia;-ledon ∧ he on sæt;

-- --

8   Manega hyra reaf on þone weg strehton. sume þa boceras of þam treowum heowon ∧ streowodon on þone weg.

9   ∧ þa ðe beforan eodon ∧ þa ðe æfter folgodon cwædon þus osann&adia; sy gebletsod se þe com on drihtnes naman;

10   Si gebletsod &thaet; r&idia;ce þe com ures fæder dauides osann&adia; on heahnessum;

11    note And he eode þa on hierosolima templ ∧ ealle þing he be-sceawode; Þa æfen tima wæs he ferde to bethan&idia;am mid his twelf leorning-cnihtum;

12   And oþrum dæge þa hi ferdon fram bethan&idia;a hine hingrode;

13   Ða he feorran geseah an fic-treow þe leaf hæfde he c&odia;m ∧ sohte hwæþer he þar on aht funde þa he him to c&odia;m ne funde he þar buton leaf &adia;ne; Soðlice hit wæs þæs fic-treowes tima;

14   Þa "h; he. heonon forð on ecnesse ne ete ænig mann wæstm of þe. ∧ his leorning-cnihtas þæt gehyrdon;

15   Þa comon hi eft to hierusalem ∧ þa he on &thaet; templ eode he ongann drifan of þam temple syllende ∧ bicgende. ∧ mynetera þrocu. ∧ heah-setlu þe þa culfran cypton he to bræc.

16   ∧ h&edia; ne geþafode &thaet; ænig man ænig fæt ðurh &thaet; templ bære

17   ∧ he þa lærende ðus "h; to him; Nis hit awriten &thaet; min hus fram eallum þeodum bið ge-nemned gebed-hus. soðlice ge dydon &thaet; to sceaðena scræfe;

-- --

18   Ða þæra sacerda ealdras ∧ þa boceras ðis ge-hyrdon. hi þohton hu hi hine for-spildon. þeh hi him adredon hine. forðam eall seo menigu wundrode be his l&adia;re;

19   And þa hit æfen wæs he eode of þære ceastre;

20   On merigen þa hi ferdon. hi gesawon &thaet; fic-treow for-scruncen of þam wyrt-ruman;

21   Þa cwæð petrus. lareow. loca hu for-scranc &thaet; fic-treow þe ðu wyrigdest;

22   Ða cwæð se hælend him and-swarigende. habbað godes truwan.

23   ic secge eow to soðe. swa hwylc swa cwyþ to ðisum munte. si þu afyrred ∧ on sædia; aworpen. ∧ on his heortan ne twynað ac gelyfð swa hwæt swa he cwyð gewurðe þis. &thaet; gewyrð;

24   Forþam ic eow secge swa hwæt swa ge gyrnende biddað gelyfað &thaet; ge hit onfoð. ∧ hit eow be-cymð;

25   And þonne ge standað eow to gebiddenne. forgifaþ gif g&edia; hwæt ag&edia;n ænigne habbað. &thaet; eow eower synna forgyfe eower heofonlica fæder se ðe on heofonum ys;

26   Gif ge ne forgyfað ne eow. eower synna ne forgyfð eower heofonlica fæder;

27   Ða com he eft to hierusalem. ∧ þa he on þam temple eode him to genealæhton þa heah-sacerdos ∧ boceras ∧ ealdras

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28   ∧ þus cwædon; On hwylcum anwealde dest þu ðas þing. ∧ hwa sealde þe ðisne anweald &thaet; þu ðis d&odia;;

29   Þa cwæð se hælend ∧ ic ahsige eow &adia;nre spræce ∧swariað me. ∧ ic secge eow þonne on hwylcum anwealde ic þis d&odia;;

30   Hweðer wæs iohannes fulluht þe of heofone. þe of mannum ∧swariað me;

31   Ða þohton hi ∧ cwædon betweox him. gif we secgað of heofone. he segð &udia;s hwi ne ge-lyfde ge him.

32   gif we secgað of mannum. we on-drædaþ þis folc. ealle hi hæfdon iohannem &thaet; he wære soðlice witega;

33   Þa ∧swaredon hi þam hælende ∧ cwædon we nyton; Ða cwæð se hælend. ne ic eow ne secge on hwylcum anwealde ic þas þing d&odia;; CHAPTER XII.

1   Ða ongan he him big-spell reccan. sum mann him plantode wingeard ∧ be-tynde hine. ∧ dealf anne seað ∧ getimbrode ænne stypel ∧ gesette hine mid eorð-tilium. ∧ ferde on elþeodignysse;

2   Þa sende he to þam tiligum his þeow on tide &thaet; he þæs w&idia;ngeardes wæstm onfenge;

3   Ða swungon hi þæne. ∧ forleton hine idel-hende;

4   And eft he him sende oðerne þeow. ∧ hi þone on heafde gewundodon ∧ mid teonum geswencton;

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5   And eft he him sumne sende ∧ hi þæne of-slogon. ∧ manega oþre. sume hi beoton. sume hi of-slogon;

6   Þa hæfde he þa gyt ænne leofostne sunu. þa sende he æt nehstan him þæne ∧ cwæð; Witodlice minne sunu hig for-wandiað;

7   Ða cwædon þa tilian him be-tweonan; Her is se yrfe-numa. uton ofslean hine. þonne bið ure seo yrfeweardnes;

8   Hi þa ofslogon hine. ∧ wurpon wið-utan þone w&idia;n-geard;

9   Hwæt deð þæs w&idia;ngeardes hlaford. he cymð ∧ fordeð þa tiligean. ∧ sylð oþron þone w&idia;ngeard;

10   Ne rædde ge þis gewrit. Se st&adia;n þe þa wyrhtan awurpon þes ys geworden on þære hyrnan heafod.

11   þis ys fram drihtne geworden ∧ hit is wundorlic on uron eagum;

12   Þa smeadon hi &thaet; hi gefengon hine ∧ hi ondredon þa menigu. hi on-cneowon þa &thaet; he þis bigspell to him sæde hi ferdon þa ∧ hine forleton;

13    note Þa sendon hi to him sume of phariseum ∧ herodianum &thaet; hi befengon hine on his worde;

14   Ða comon hi ∧ þus mid facne cwædon; Lareow. we witon &thaet; þu eart soðfæst ∧ þu ne recst be ænegum menn. ne besceawast þu manna ansyne. ac þu godes weg lærst on soð-fæstnysse; Alyfð gaful to syllanne þam casere

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15   hwæðer þe we ne syllað; Þa cwæð he ∧ heora lot-wrenc-ceaste wiste. hwi fandige m&idia;n bringað m&edia; þone pening &thaet; ic hine geseo.

16   þa brohton hi him þa sæde he him; Hwæs is þeos anlicnys ∧ þis ge-writ. hi cwædon. ðæs caseres;

17   Ða cwæð se hælend to him. agyfað þam casere þa ðing þe þæs caseres synd. ∧ gode þa ðe godes synd. þa wundrodon hi be þam;

18   Þa comon him to sad[u]cei þa secgað &thaet; ærist ne s&ydia; ∧ hine ahsodon ∧ þus cwædon;

19   Lareow. moyses us wrat. gif hwæs broðor dead bið ∧ læfð his w&idia;f ∧ næfð nan bearn. &thaet; his broðor nime his w&idia;f ∧ his broðor sædia;d wecce;

20   Eornostlice seofon gebroþru wæron. ∧ se æresta nam w&idia;f ∧ wearð dead n&adia; læfedum sæde;

21   And þa nam se oðer hi. ∧ wearð dead. ne s&edia; sædia;d ne læfde; Gelice se þridda

22   ∧ ealle seofon hi hæfdon ∧ sædia;d ne læfdon; Ealra æftemest þa forð-ferde &thaet; wif;

23   On þam æriste. hwylces þara seofona bið &thaet; w&idia;f. hi ealle hi hæfdon;

24   Þa ∧swarode him se hælend hu ne dweligað ge. forþam þe ge nyton þa halgan gewritu ne godes mægen;

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25   Soðlice þonne hi of deaðe arisaþ. ne wifiaþ hi. ne ne gyftigeað. ac hi synt swylce godes englas on heofonum;

26   Be þam deadum &thaet; hi ar&idia;son. ne rædde ge on moyses bec hu god to him cwæþ. ofer þone gorst-beam; Ic eom abrahames god. ∧ is&adia;&adia;ces god. ∧ iacobes god.

27   nis god deadra ac he hys lybbendra; Soðlice swyþe ge dweligeað:

28    note Ða genealæhte him &adia;n of þam bocerum þe he gehyrde hi smeagende ∧ geseah &thaet; he him wel andswarode. ∧ ahsode hine hwæt wære ealra beboda mæst;

29   Þa ∧swarode he him. &thaet; is &thaet; mæste bebod. ealra israhel gehyr urne drihten god. he is [an god]

30   and lufa þinne drihten god. of ealre þinre heortan. ∧ of ealre þinre sawle. eallum þinum m&odia;de. ∧ of eallum þinum mægene. &thaet; is &thaet; fyrmeste bebod;

31   Soðlice is oðer þissum gelic; lufa þinne nehstan swa þe sylfne. nys oðer m&adia;re bebod;

32   Ða cwæþ se bocere. lareow. well þ&udia; on soþe cwædia;de. &thaet; an god is. ∧ nis oðer butan him

33   ∧ ðæt he si gelufod of ealre heortan. ∧ of eallum andgyte. ∧ of ealre sawle. ∧ of ealre strengðe. ∧ lufigean his nehstan swa hine sylfne. þæt is mare eallum on-sægdnyssum ∧ offrungum;

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34   Ða se hælend geseah &thaet; he him wislice andwyrde he sædia;de him ne art þu feorr fram godes r&idia;ce. ∧ hine ne dorste nan mann ahsian;

35   Ða cwæþ se hælend on þam temple lærende; Hu secgað þa boceras &thaet; crist sy dauides sunu;

36   Dauid sylf cwæþ to þam halgan gaste. drihten cwæþ to minum drihtne. s&idia;te on mine swyðran healfe. oð ic þ&idia;ne f&ydia;nd asette to fot-sceamole þinra f&odia;ta;

37   Dauid sylf nemde hine drihten. ∧ hwanon is he his sunu; And mycel menegu hine luflice gehyrde.

38   þa sæde he him on his lare; Warniað fram bocerum. þa wyllað on ge-gyrlum g&adia;n ∧ beon on straætum grete.

39   ∧ on fyrmostum lareow-setlum. sittan on ge-samnungum ∧ þa fyrmestan setl on ge-beor-scipum

40   þa ðe wudewena hus for-swelgað mid heora langsuman gebede. þa onfoð lengestne d&odia;m;

41   Ða sæt se hælend ong&edia;n þone toll-sceamol ∧ geseah hu &thaet; folc hyra feoh. torfude on þone toll-sceamul. ∧ manega welige torfudon fela;

42   Þa com &adia;n earm wuduwe. and wearp twegen feorð-lingas;

43   Ða clypode he his leorning cnihtas ∧ sæde him; Soðlice ic eow secge. &thaet; þeos earme wuduwe eallinga mæst sealde þara þe on toll-sceamul sealdon;

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44   Ealle sendon of þam þe hi genoh hæfdon; Soðlice þeos of hyre yrmþe eall &thaet; heo hæfde sealde ealle hyre and-lyfene; CHAPTER XIII.

1   Ða he of þam temple eode þa cwæð &adia;n of his leorning-cnihtum to him. lareow loca hwylce stanas her synt ∧ hwylce getimbrunga þisses temples;

2   Þa cwæð se hælend. ne ge-seoge ealle þas mycelan getimbrunga. ne bið her læfed stan ofer stan þe ne beo toworpen;

3   Þa hi sæton on oliuetes d&udia;ne ongen &thaet; tempel synderlice hine petrus ∧ iacobus. ∧ iohannes. ∧ andreas. ahsodon;

4   Sege us hwænne þas þing ge-wurdon ∧ hwylc tacen bið þænne ealle þas ðing onginnað beon ge-endud;

5   Þa ongan se hælend him ∧swarigende to cweðan; Warniað &thaet; eow nan mann ne be-swice;

6   Soþlice manega cumað on minum naman. ∧ cweþað. ic eom crist ∧ beswicað manega

7   ∧ þonne ge gehyrað gefeohtu. ∧ gefeohta hlisan. ne ondræde ge eow. hit gebyrað &thaet; hit gebelimpe. ac þonne gyt nis ende;

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8   Soðlice þeod arist &adia;g&edia;n þeode. ∧ rice ong&edia;n rice ∧ beoð eorþan styrunga geond stowa ∧ hungor. þis synd sara angin;

9   Warniað eow sylfe. hi syllað eow on geþeahte ∧ swingað on gesamnungum. ∧ ge standað beforan demum ∧ cyningum. for minum naman him on ge-witnesse

10   ∧ on ealle þeoda; Ærest ge-byrað beon &thaet; godspel gebodud.

11   ∧ þonne hi syllende eow læþað ne fore-smeage ge hwæt ge specan. ac specað &thaet; eow on þære tide ge-seald bið; Ne synd ge na specende ac se halga gast;

12   Soðlice se broðor þone broþor to deaðe sylð. ∧ se fæder his sunu. ∧ þa bearn arisað ag&edia;n hyra magas. ∧ mid deaðe hi ge-wæceað.

13   ∧ ge beoð eallum on hatunge for minum naman; Soðlice se bið hal se þe oð ende þurh-wunað;

14   Ðonne ge ge-seoð þære toworpednysse asceonunge standan þar heo ne sceal. þonne ongyte se þe ræt. fleon þonne on muntas þa ðe synt on iudea

15   ∧ se ðe is ofer þ&edia;cene ne stige he on his h&udia;s ne he in ne ga &thaet; he aht on his huse nime.

16   ∧ se ðe bið on æcere ne cyrre he ongean &thaet; he his reaf nime;

17   W&adia; cenne[n]dum on þam dagum.

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18   biddað &thaet; ðis on wintra ne ge-wurðe;

19   Soþlice on þam dagum beoð swylce gedrefednessa. swylce ne ge-wurdon. of frymmðe þære gesceafte þe god gesceop. oð nu. ne na ne gewurþað.

20   And gif drihten þas dagas ne gescyrte. nan flæsc ne wurde hal. ac for þam gecorenum þe he ge-ceas he ge-scyrte þa dagas;

21   And gif eow hwylc segð witodlice her is crist. witodlice þær he is. ne gelyfe ge;

22   Soðlice lease cristas. ∧ lease witegan arisað. ∧ wyrcað fore-beacnu. to beswicanne eac gif hit beon mæg þa ge-corenan;

23   Warniað eow. nu ealle þing. þe ic eow fore-sæde.

24   ac on þam dagum æfter þære geswencednysse. bið sunne aþeostrod. ∧ se mona his beorhtnesse ne sylð

25   ∧ heofones steorran beoð feallende. ∧ beoð astyrode þa megenu þe on heofonum synt;

26   Ðonne geseoð hi mannes sunu cumendne on ge-nipum mid mycelum mægene ∧ wuldre;

27   þonne sent he his englas ∧ hi gaderiað his gecorenan of feower windum of eorþan heanesse oþ heofones heahnesse;

28   Leorniað an bigspell be þam fic-treowe. þonne his twi bið mearu. ∧ leaf beoð acennede. ge witon &thaet; sumor is gehende.

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29   ∧ wite ge þonne ge þas ðing geseoð &thaet; he is dura gehende;

30   Soðlice ic eow secge &thaet; þeos cneores ne gewit ærþam ealle þas ðing gewurðon.

31   heofon ∧ eorðe gewitað. witodlice mine word ne ge-witað;

32   Be þam dæge ∧ þære tide nan mann nat. ne englas on heofone ne mannes sunu buton fæder &adia;na;

33   Warniað ∧ waciað ∧ gebiddaþ eow. ge nyton hwænne seo tid ys;

34   Swa se man ælþeodilice ferde forlet his hus ∧ sealde his þeowum þæne anwald gehwylces weorces. ∧ beode þam dure-wearde &thaet; he wacige;

35   Eornostlice wacigeað ge nyton hwænne þæs huses hlaford cymð; þe on æfen þe on midre nihte. þe on hancrede. þe on mergen.

36   þe læs he eow slapende gem&edia;te þonne he færinga cymð;

37   Soðlice &thaet; ic eow secge eallum ic hit secge waciað. CHAPTER XIV.

1    note Soþlice þa æfter twam dagum wæron eastron ∧ þa sohton þa heah-sacerdas ∧ þa boceras hu hi hine mid facne namon ∧ of-slogon;

2   Ða cwædon hi næs na on freols-dæge þe læs þæs folces gehlyd wurde;

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3   And þa se hælend wæs on bethan&idia;a on simones h&udia;se anes hreoflan ∧ þar sæt; Þa com an w&idia;f ∧ hæfde hyre sealf-box deorwyrþes nardes. ∧ tobrocenum sealf-boxe. ofer his heafod ag&edia;t;

4   Sume hit unwurðlice forbæron. ∧ betwux him sylfum cwædon; For hwi wæs þisse sealfe forspillednes geworden.

5   þeos sealf mihte beon geseald to þrim hund penegum. ∧ beon þearfum geseald. ∧ yrsydon ag&edia;n hi;

6   Ða cwæð se hælend. lætað hi hwi synt ge hire grame. g&odia;d weorc heo on me worhte;

7   Soðlice symble ge habbað þearfan mid eow. ∧ þonne ge wyllað ge magon him teala d&odia;n. me ge symble nabbað;

8   Þeos sealde &thaet; heo hæfde. heo com to smyrianne minne lic-haman on byrgene;

9   Soðlice ic eow secge swa hwar swa þis godspell gebodad bið. on eallum middan-earde bið gebodod &thaet; heo þis on his gemynde dyde;

10   Ða iudas scarioth &thaet; is wiþersaca. &adia;n of þam twelfum. ferde to þam heah-sacerdum &thaet; he hine belæwde;

11   Þa hi þis gehyrdon hi fahnodon ∧ beheton him feoh to syllanne. ∧ he smeade hu he hine digellice sealde;

12   And þam forman dæge azimorum þa hi eastron offrodon. his leorning-cnihtas him sædon. hwyder wylt þu &thaet; we faron ∧ gegearwian þe. &thaet; ðu eastron ete;

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13   Ða sende he twegen of his leorning-cnihtum ∧ sæde him; Gað on þa ceastre ∧ inc ag&edia;n yrnð. sum man berende sume wæter-flaxan; Folgiað him;

14   ∧ swa hwyder swa he inn-gæð secgað þæs huses hlaforde; Vre lareow secgð. hwar is min gyst-h&udia;s. ∧ min gereord. hwar ete is eastron. mid minum leorning-cnihtum;

15   And he inc geswutelað mycele healle gedæfte. ∧ ge-ge-earwiað us þara;

16   Þa ferdon his leorning cnihtas ∧ comon on þa ceastre. ∧ fundon hit eall swa he sæde. ∧ ge-gearwodon þa eastron;

17   Soðlice þa æfen c&odia;m. him twelfum mid him

18   sittendum ∧ etendum sæde se hælend; Soðlice ic eow secge &thaet; eower &adia;n þe mid me yt gesylð me;

19   Ða ongunnon hi beon dreorige ∧ betwux him cweðan. cwyst þu eom ic hit;

20   Þa sæde he him. &adia;n of eow twelfum me sylð. se ðe his hand on disce mid me dypð;

21   And witodlice mannes sunu gæð swa be him awriten is. w&adia; þam menn þurh þone þe mannes sunu geseald bið. betere him wære &thaet; se mann acenned nære;

22   Him þa etendum afeng se hælend hlaf ∧ hine bletsiende bræc. ∧ sealde him ∧ þus cwæð. nimað. ðis ys min lichama.

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23   ∧ onfeng calice. ∧ gode þancas dyde ∧ sealde him. ∧ ealle him ofdruncon;

24   Þa sæde he him. ðis ys min blod þære niwan cyðnesse &thaet; bið for manegum agoten;

25   Soðlice ic eow secge &thaet; ic heonon forð ne drince of þyses wingeardes cynne. oð þone dæg þonne ic hine niwne drince on godes rice;

26   And gecwedenum lofe hi ferdon on ele-bergena munt;

27   Ða cwæð se hælend. ealle ge beoð geuntreowsode on þisse nihte. forþam þe hit awriten is. ic slea þæne hyrde ∧ beon þa sc&edia;p to-dræfede;

28   Ac æfter þam þe ic arise. ic cume beforan eow on galileam;

29   Þa sæde petrus him. þeah ðe ealle swicion ne swicige ic þe n&adia;

30   Þa cwæð se hælend; Soþlice ic þe secge. &thaet; ðu on þisse nihte ædia;r hana tuwa crawe. þriwa wið-sæcst m&idia;n.

31   ∧ he þæs ðe mare spræc. ∧ þeah me ge-byrige mid þe to sweltene. ne æt-sace ic þin. ∧ swa hi cwædon ealle;

32   Þa comon hi to anum tune þæs nama wæs gezemani. ∧ he cwæð to his leorning-cnihton; Sittað her oð &thaet; ic me gebidde;

33   And he nam þa mid him petrum ∧ iacobum ∧ iohannem. þa ongan he forhtian ∧ sargian

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34   ∧ sæde him; Unr&odia;t is min sawl oð deað. gebidað her ∧ waciað;

35   Ða he lyt-hwon forð-st&odia;p he astrehte hine ofer þa eorðan. ∧ he bæd. gif hit beon mihte &thaet; he on þære tide fram him gewite;

36   And þa cwæð he. abba. &thaet; is fæder on ure geþeode. ealle þing þe synt mihtiglice. afyrr þysne calic fram me ac na &thaet; ic wylle ac &thaet; þu;

37   Þa com he ∧ funde hi slæpende. ∧ cwæð to petre; Simon. slæpst þu. ne mihtest ðu &adia;ne tide wacian.

38   waciað ∧ gebiddað &thaet; ge on costnunge ne g&adia;n. witodlice se gast is gearu. ac &thaet; flæsc is untrum;

39   And eft he ge-bæd þa ylcan spræce.

40   ∧ þa he hine eft ag&edia;n bewende. he funde h&idia; slæpende. hyra eagan wæron gehefegode ∧ hi nyston hwæt hi him ∧swaredon;

41   Ða com he þriddan siðe ∧ sæde him. slapað n&udia; ∧ restað genoh hit ys. t&idia;ma ys cumen nu is mannes sunu geseald on synfulra handa;

42   Ar&idia;saþ. uton gan. nu is gehende se ðe me sylð;

43   Him þa ða gyt sprecendum com &idia;udas scarioth. &thaet; ys wiþersaca. &adia;n of þam twelfum. ∧ mid him mycel menegeo mid swurdum ∧ mid sahlum. fram heah-sacerdum. bocerum ∧ ealdrum;

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44   Soðlice his læwa him tacen sealde ∧ þus cwæð; Swa hwylcne swa ic cysse he hit is. nimað ∧ lædað hine wærlice.

45   ∧ sona swa he com he ge-nealæhte him to ∧ "h;. lareow. ∧ cyste hine.

46   ∧ hi hyra handa on hine wurpon. ∧ namon hine;

47   Soðlice &adia;n of þam þe ðar embe-uton stodon his swurde abræd ∧ sloh þæs sacerdes þeow. ∧ his eare of acearf;

48   Þa cwæð se hælend him ∧swariende; Swa swa to anum sceaðan ge ferdon mid swurdon ∧ treowum me gef&odia;n.

49   þonne ic dæghwamlice mid eow wæs on temple lærende ∧ ge me ne namon. ac &thaet; þa gewritu syn gefyllede;

50   Ða forleton his leorning-cnihtas ealle hine ∧ flugon;

51   Sum iungling him fyligde mid anre scytan bewæfed nacod ∧ hi namon hine;

52   Ða aworpenre þære scytan nacod he him fram fleah;

53   And hi læddon þæne hælend to þam heah-sacerde. ∧ comon ealle sacerdas. ∧ boceras ∧ ealdras togædere;

54   Petrus him fyligde feorran oþ ðæs heah-sacerdes cafert&udia;n ∧ he sæt mid þam ðenum ∧ wyrmde hine æt þam fyre;

55   Þa heah-sacerdas sohton ∧ eall geþeaht. tale ag&edia;n þone hælend. &thaet; hi hine to deaðe sealdon ∧ hi ne fundon;

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56   Manega sædon lease gecyðnysse ag&edia;n hine. ∧ þa cyðnessa næron þæslice;

57   Ða arison sume ∧ sædon lease cyðnesse ag&edia;n hine ∧ þus sædon;

58   Soðes we ge-hyrdon hine secgan. ic to-wurpe þis hand-worhte tempel ∧ æfter þrim dagum ic oðer unhand-worht ge-timbrie;

59   ∧ hyra cyþnys næs þædia;s-lic;

60   Þa aras sum heah-sacerd on hyra midlene ∧ ahsode þæne hælend. ne andswarast þu nan ðing. ag&edia;n &thaet; þas þe onwurpað;

61   he suwode ∧ naht ne ∧swarode; Eft hine axode se heah-sacerd. eart þu crist þæs gebletsodan godes sunu;

62   Ða sæde se hælend. ic eom. ∧ ge geseoð mannes sunu on swyðran healfe sittan his mægenes. ∧ cumende mid heofones genipum;

63   Þa "h; se heah-sacerd. his reaf slitende. hwi ge-wilnige w&edia; gyt cyðera.

64   ge gehyrdon his bysmer. hwæt þincð eow; Ða hyrwdon hi ealle hine ∧ cwædon &thaet; he wære deaðes scyldig;

65   And sume agunnon him on spætan ∧ ofer-wreon his ansyne. ∧ mid fystum hine beoton. ∧ him to cwædon; Aræd. and þa ðenas hine mid handum beoton;

66   And þa petrus wæs on cafertune þa com to him &adia;n þinen þæs heah-sacerdes.

67   ∧ þa heo geseah petrum wyrmende þa cwæð heo; Þu wære mid ðam nazareniscan hælende;

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68   Ða æt soc he ∧ cwæð. ic n&adia;t. ne ne can hwæt þu segst; And he eode þa of þam cafertune ∧ se hana creow;

69   Eft þa hine gecneow oðer þinen. heo ongan cweðan. to þam þe ðar abutan stodon; Soðlice þes ys of þam;

70   ∧ he eft æts&odia;c; ∧ eft þa ymbe lytel þa ðe æt-stodon. cwædon to petre. Soþlice þu eart of ðam. galileisc þu eart;

71   Þa ongan he æt-sacan ∧ swerian. soðes ne can ic þæne man þe ge secgað.

72   ∧ þa eft sona creow se hana; Ða gemunde petrus þæs hælendes worde þe he him sæde. ær se hana crawe tua. þriwa ðu me æt-sæcst. þa ongan he wepan; CHAPTER XV.

1   Þa sona on mergen worhton þa heah-sacerdas hyra gemot mid ealdrum. ∧ bocerum ∧ eallum werodum. ∧ læddon þæne hælend gebundenne. ∧ sealdon hine pilato;

2   Ða axode pilatus hine. eart þu iudea cynincg; Þa ∧swarode he him. þu hit segst;

3   Ða wregdon hine þa heah-sacerdas on manegum þingum;

4   Eft pilatus hine axode. ne ∧swarast þu n&adia;n þing. loca hu mycelum hi þe wregeað;

5   Ða ne ∧swarode se hælend him na mare. swa &thaet; pilatus wundrode;

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6   On symmel-dæge wæs his gewuna &thaet; he him for-geafe ænne gebundenne. swa hwylcne swa hi bædon;

7   Þa bædon hi barraban. se wæs gebunden mid þam ræplingum. se þurh swic-cræft. man-slyht geworhte.

8   ∧ þa he ferde. þa ongan seo menegeo hine biddan swa heo symle dyde;

9   Ða cwæð pilatus; Wylle ge &thaet; ic eow forgyfe iudea cyning.

10   he wiste &thaet; ðurh andan hine sealdon þa heah-sacerdas;

11   Þa astyredon þa bisceopas þa menegu &thaet; he him barraban forgefe;

12   Eft pilatus him andswarode. hwæt do ic be iudea cininge;

13   Hi eft hrymdon ∧ cwædon. h&odia;h hine;

14   Ða sæde pilatus. hwæt yfeles dyde he; Hi þæs þe ma clypedon ah&odia;h hine;

15   Pilatus wolde þa ðam folce gecweman. ∧ for-gef him barraban ∧ sealde him þone hælend beswungenne &thaet; he &adia;-hangen wære;

16   Þa læddon þa cempan hine on þæs domernes cafert&udia;n; ∧ hi to-somne eall werod clypedon;

17   ∧ scryddon hine mid purpuran. ∧ him on setton þyrnenne helm awundenne.

18   ∧ ongunnon hine þus gretan. hal wes þu iudea cyning;

19   ∧ beoton hine on &thaet; heafod mid hreode. ∧ spætton him on. ∧ heora cneow b&idia;gdon. ∧ hine ge-eaðmeddon;

-- --

20   And syððan hi hine bysmrydon. unscryddon hine þam purpuran. ∧ scryddon hine mid his reafum ∧ læddon hine &thaet; hi hine ahengon.

21   ∧ genyddon sumne weg-ferendne simonem cireneum cumende of þam tune alexandres fæder ∧ rufi. &thaet; he his rode bære.

22   ∧ hi læddon hine on ða stowe golgoða &thaet; is on ure geþeode gereht heafod-pannena stow.

23   ∧ sealdon him gebiterod w&idia;n ∧ he hit ne on-feng;

24   And þa hi hine ahengon hi dældon his reaf. ∧ hlotu wurpon. hwæt gehwa n&adia;me;

25   Þa wæs undern-t&idia;d. ∧ hi ahengon hine.

26   ∧ ofer-gewrit his gyltes wæs awriten iudea cyning.

27   ∧ hi ahengon mid him twegen sceaðan anne on his swyðran healfe. ∧ oþerne on his wynstran.

28   þa wæs &thaet; ge-writ gefylled. &thaet; cwyð; ∧ he wæs mid unriht-wisum geteald;

29   And þa ðe forð-stopon hine gremedon ∧ hyra heafod cwehton. ∧ ðus cwædon; Wala se to-wyrpð &thaet; tempel. ∧ on þrim dagon eft getimbrað.

30   gehæl ðe sylfne of þære rode stigende;

31   Eall-swa þa heah-sacerdas bysmriende betwux þam bocerum cwædon. oðre he hale gedyde. hine sylfne he ne mæg halne gedon;

-- --

32   Cr&idia;st israhela cyning astige n&udia; of rode &thaet; we ge-seon ∧ ge-lyfon; And þa ðe him mid hangodon wæron him mid gebundene;

33   And þære syxtan tide wurdo[n] þystru gewordene geond ealle eorðan. oð n&odia;n-tide

34   ∧ to n&odia;n-tide se hælend clypode mycelre stemne. heloi. heloi. lema sabbattani. &thaet; is on ure geðeode m&idia;n god m&idia;n god. hwi for-lete þu me;

35   ∧ sume þe ðar abuton stodon ∧ þis gehyrdon hi cwædon. nu þes clypað heliam.

36   þa &adia;rn hyra &adia;n ∧ fylde &adia;ne spingan mid ecede. ∧ on hreod sette ∧ him drincan sealde. ∧ cwæð; Lætað &thaet; we ge-seon hwæðer helias cume hine nyþer to settanne;

37   Se hælend þa asende his stefne ∧ forð-ferde.

38   ∧ þæs temples wah-rift wæs tosliten on twa of ufewerdum oð neoþewerd;

39   Þa se hundred-man þe ðar stod ag&edia;n geseah &thaet; se hælend swa clypiende forð-ferde. he "h;. soðlice þes man wæs godes sunu;

40   And þa w&idia;f wæron feorran be-healdende. ∧ betwux þam wæs seo magdalenisce maria. ∧ maria iacobes modor. ∧ salomeæ;

41   ∧ þa he wæs on galilea hi fylidon him. ∧ him þenedon ∧ manega oðre þe him mid ferdon on hierusalem;

42   And þa æfen wæs geworden &thaet; wæs parasceue. &thaet; is ædia;r sæter-dæge

-- --

43   þa com iosep se æðela gerefa of abarimathia. se sylfa godes rices geanbidode. ∧ he dyrstiglice into pilate eode. ∧ bæd þæs hælendes lic-haman;

44   Ða wundrode pilatus gif he þa gyt forð-ferde; Þa clypode he þæne hundred-man ∧ hine ahsode hwæðer he dead wære;

45   Ða he wiste &thaet;. þa agef he þone lic-haman iosepe;

46   Þa bohte iosep &adia;ne scytan. ∧ hine þar-on befeold. ∧ on byrgene lede. seo wæs of stane aheawen. ∧ wylte anne stan to ðære byrgenne dura;

47    note Ða com maria magdalene ∧ iosepes maria. ∧ be-heoldon hwar he geled wære; CHAPTER XVI.

1   ∧ ða sæternes dæg wæs ag&adia;n. seo magdalenisce maria ∧ iacobes maria ∧ salomeæ bohton wyrt-gemang &thaet; hi comon ∧ hine smyredon;

2   And swyðe ædia;r anum reste-dæge comon to þære byrgene up-asprungenre sunnan.

3   ∧ cwædon him betwynan; Hwa awylt us ðysne stan of þære byrgene dura;

4   Þa hi hi besawon. hi gesawon þæne stan aweg awyltne. soðlice he wæs swyðe mycel;

5   And þa hi eodon on þa byrgene hi gesawon anne geongne on þa swyðran healfe sittende hwitum gegyrlan ofer-wrohne; ∧ hi þa forhtodon;

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6   Ða cwæð he to him ne forhtige ge na. ge secað þæne nazareniscan hælend ahangenne; He ar&adia;s nis he h&edia;r; her is seo stow þær hi hine ledon.

7   ac farað ∧ secgað his leorning-cnihtum. ∧ petre &thaet; he gæð toforan eow on galileam. þar ge hine geseoð swa he eow sæde;

8   And hi ut eodon. ∧ flugon fram þære byrgene. ∧ wæron &adia;færede for þære gesyhðe þe hi gesawon. ∧ hig nanon men naht ne sædon. soðlice hi him adredon;

9    note Þa he ar&adia;s on ærne morgen on reste-dæge. æryst he æt-ywde þære magdaleniscan marian. of ðære he &udia;t adraf seofon deofol-seocnyssa.

10   ∧ heo þa ut eode ∧ hit þam cydde þe mid him wæron heofendum ∧ wependum

11   þa hi gehyrdon &thaet; he leofode ∧ hi hine gesawon. þa ne ge-lyfdon hi him.

12   Æfter þam him twam he wæs æt-ywed on oðrum hiwe. him on þone t&udia;n farendum

13   ∧ hi þa foron ∧ &thaet; oðrum cyddon. ∧ hi him ne gelyfdon;

14    note Ða æt nehstan he ætywde him twelfum þar hi æt-gædere sæton. ∧ tælde hyra ungeleaffulnesse. ∧ hyra heortan heardnesse. forðam þe hi ne ge-lyfdon þam ðe hine gesawon of deaþe arisan.

15   ∧ he sæde him. Farað into ealne middan-eard ∧ bodiað god-spell. ealre gesceafte.

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16   Se þe gelyfð ∧ gefullod bið se biþ hal; Soþlice se ðe ne gelyfð. se bið genyðerod;

17   Þas tacnu fyliað þam ðe ge-lyfað. on minon naman hi deofol-seocnessa ut-drifað; hi sprecaþ niwum tungum.

18   næddran hi afyrrað ∧ him ne derað þeah hi hwæt dead-bærlices drincan; Ofer seoce hi hyra handa settað ∧ hi beoð hale;

19   And witudlice drihten hælend syððan he to him spræc. he wæs on heofonum afangen. ∧ he sitt on godes swiðran healfe;

20   Soþlice hi ða farende æghwar bodedon. drihtne mid-wyrcendum ∧ trymmendre spræce æfter-fyligendum tacnum.

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West Saxon I [1878], THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT JOHN IN ANGLO-SAXON AND NORTHUMBRIAN VERSIONS SYNOPTICALLY ARRANGED, WITH COLLATIONS EXHIBITING ALL THE READINGS OF ALL THE MSS. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge (F. A. BROCKHAUS, LEIPZIG) [word count] [B01210].
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