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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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[figure description] Page 154.[end figure description]

Chastity iz like an isikel. if it onse melts that's
the last ov it.

Dew a good turn whenever yu kan even if yu hav
tew turn sumboddy's grinstun tu dew it.

When a man dies the fust thing we talk about iz
hiz welth, the nex thing hiz failings, and the last
thing hiz vartues.

I suppose the “bone of contenshun” iz the collar

An ungrateful childe is the revenge of Heaven.

After awl ced and dun the gran sekret of winning
is tew win.

The studdy ov humin natur is a good deal like

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[figure description] Page 155.[end figure description]

the studdy ov dessekshun, yu finde out a good menny
curis things, but it is a nasty job after awl.

When a man's dog deserts him on akount ov his
poverty, he kant git enny lower down in this world,
not bi land.

Sekrets maik a dungin of the harte, and a jailor
ov its owner.

Don't let us forgit that the higher up we git the
smaller will things look tew us here belo.

Natur haz no artifise, she plants her flowers in the
gardin and in the wilderness, and endows them alike.

It iz tru that welth won't maik a man vartuous,
but i notis thare ain't ennyboddy who wants tew be
poor jist for the purpiss ov being good.

Luv iz like the meazels, we kant alwus tell when
we ketched it and ain't ap tew hav it severe but onst,
and then it ain't kounted mutch unless it strikes inly.

Tew be a suckcessful pollytysian, a man shud be
butterd on both sides and then keep awa from the fire.

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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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