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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T]. To look up a word in a dictionary, select the word with your mouse and press 'd' on your keyboard.
Humin natur is the same all over the world, cept in A kodfish aristokrat alwus puts me in mind ov a Rum is good in its plase, and hel is the plase for Akordin tu skripter thar will be just about as When yu korte a widder, yu want tu du it with Larfin at yure own story, while yu are tellin on
A pet lam, alwus makes a kross ram. A live harte sumtimes gits intu a ded body, so “Glory enuff for one da,” attendin a nigger He who skorns to be inflooensed at tall by fashun I am prepaired tu say tu sevin ov the rich men If i had a boy who didn't lie well enuff tu sute Man was kreated a little lower than the angells The moste oneasy kreetur i ever perused, was a When a feller gits a goin down hil, it dus seem
I hav known folks whose calibre was very small, The meanest man i ever nu was the one who stole Pluk is a nise kompound ov pride, vanitee and Robbers are like rane, tha fall on the just and We hate those who will not take our advise, and
Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T]. |