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Great [1540], ¶ The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye the cont&ebar;t of al the holy scrypture both of þe; olde, and newe testam&ebar;t, with a prologe therinto, made by the reuerende father in God, Thomas archbysshop of Cantorbury, ¶ This is the Byble apoynted to the vse of the churches (Printed by Edward Whytchurche) [word count] [B06000].
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¶ The .cxviii. Psalme. CONFITEMINI DOMINO.

A    noteO geue thanckes vnto the Lorde, for he hys gracious, because hys mercy endureth for euer. Let Israel now confesse, (that he is gracious, and) þt; his mercy endureth for euer. Let the house of Aaron now confesse, þt; his mercy endureth for euer.

Yee let them now that feare the Lord c&obar;fesse, that his mercy endureth for euer.

I called vpon the Lord in trouble, and the Lord herd me at large. noteThe Lord is on my syde, I wyll not feare what man doeth vnto me. B   The Lorde taketh my parte &wt; them that help me: therfore shall I se my desyre vpon myne enemyes. It is better to trust in the Lord, then to put eny confydence in man. It is better to trust in the Lorde, then to put eny confydence in prynces.

All nacions compased me rounde about, but in þe; name of þe; Lorde will I destroy th&ebar;.

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They kept me in on euery syde, they kept me in (I saye) on euery syde, but in the name of the Lorde, I wyll destroye them. They came aboute me lyke bees, and are extincte, euen as the fyre amonge the thornes, for in the name of the Lorde I wyl destroye them.

&rhand; Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I myght fall, but the Lorde was my helpe.

noteThe Lorde is my strength, ∧ my s&obar;ge, and is become my saluacion. The voyce of ioye and health is in þe; dwellynges of the C    ryghteous: the ryght hande of the Lorde bryngeth myghtye thynges to passe. The ryght hande of the Lorde hath þe; preemin&ebar;ce, the ryght hande of the Lorde bryngeth mightie thynges to passe. I wyll not dye, but lyue, and declare the workes of the Lorde.

The Lorde hath chastened ∧ correcte me, but he hath not geuen me ouer vnto death.

Open me the gates of righteousnes, that I may go into them, ∧ geue thankes vnto þe; Lorde. Thys is the gate of the Lorde, the ryghteous shal entre into it. I wyl th&abar;ke the, for thou hast herde me, and arte become my saluacion. noteThe same stone whyche the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner. Thys was the Lordes doynge, and it is maruelous in oure eyes.

Thys is the daye, whych the Lorde hath made, we wyll reioyse and be glad in it.

D   Helpe (me) now O Lorde, o Lorde, sende vs nowe prosperitie. noteBlessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lorde, we haue wyshed you good lucke, ye that be of þe; house of the Lorde. God is the Lorde, Whyche hath shewed vs lyght: bynde þe; sacrifice with coardes, yee euen vnto the hornes of þe; aulter

Thou arte my God, and I wyll thanke the: thou arte my God and I wyl prayse the.

O geue thankes vnto the Lorde, for he is gracious and hys mercye endureth for euer.
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Great [1540], ¶ The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye the cont&ebar;t of al the holy scrypture both of þe; olde, and newe testam&ebar;t, with a prologe therinto, made by the reuerende father in God, Thomas archbysshop of Cantorbury, ¶ This is the Byble apoynted to the vse of the churches (Printed by Edward Whytchurche) [word count] [B06000].
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