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T. Matthew [1549], The Byble, that is to say all the holy Scripture: In whych are c&obar;tayned the Olde and New Testamente, truely ∧ purely tr&abar;slated into English, ∧ nowe lately with greate industry ∧ dilig&ebar;ce recognised. [Edited by Edmund Becke.] (Imprinted by... Ihon Daye [etc.] and William Seres [etc.], London) [word count] [B05000].
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The .xij. Chapter. Agaynst the vayne trust of the people.

A   Ephraim kepeth the ayre, and folowed after the east winde: he is euer increasinge lyes ∧ destruccyon. They be confederate with the Assirians, their oyle is caried into Egypte. The Lorde hath a courte to holde with Iuda, and wil punishe Iacob. After their owne wayes and accordinge to their owne inuencyons shall he recompence them. noteHe toke his brother by the hele, when he was yet in his mothers wombe: ∧ in his strengthe he wrestled with God. B   He stroue with the Aungel, and gat the victorye, so that he praid and desyred hym. He founde him at Bethel, ∧ there he talked with vs.

Yet the Lorde God of Hostes, euen the Lorde hym selfe remembred him. Then turne to thy God, kepe mercye and equyte, and hope still in thy God. But the marchaunte hath a false weyght in his hande, he hath a pleasure to occupye extorsion. Ephraim thinketh thus: Tush, I am ryche, I haue good ynoughe. C   In all my worckes shall not one fawte be founde, that I haue offended. Yet am I the Lorde thy God, euen as when I brought the oute of the lande of Egipte, and fet the in thy t&ebar;tes, ∧ as in þe; hye feaste dayes.

I haue spoken thorow the prophetes, and shewed diuerse visions, and declared my self by the ministracyon of the prophetes. But at Galaad is the abhominacyon, they are fallen to vanitye. D   At Galgal they haue slayne oxen: and as many heapes of stones as they had in their lande forowes, so manye aulters haue they made. Iacob fled into the lande of Siria, and Israel serued for a wyfe, and for a wyfe he kepte shepe.

By a prophete the Lorde brought them oute of Egipt, and by a prophet he preserued them. But Ephraim hathe prouoked hym to displeasure thorow his obhominacious, therfore shall his bloude be poured vpon him self and the Lord his God shall rewarde him his blasphemies.
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T. Matthew [1549], The Byble, that is to say all the holy Scripture: In whych are c&obar;tayned the Olde and New Testamente, truely ∧ purely tr&abar;slated into English, ∧ nowe lately with greate industry ∧ dilig&ebar;ce recognised. [Edited by Edmund Becke.] (Imprinted by... Ihon Daye [etc.] and William Seres [etc.], London) [word count] [B05000].
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