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(e.g. 'The palace of pleasure beautified, adorned and well furnished, with pleasaunt histories and excellent nouelles, selected out of diuers good and commendable authors. By William Painter clarke of the ordinaunce and armarie.Palace of pleasure. Vol. 1Palace of pleasure. Vol. 1.Palace of pleasure beautified, adorned and well furnished, with pleasaunt histories and excellent novelles, selected out of divers good and commendable authors.')

(e.g. 'Painter, William, 1540?-1594.')

(e.g. '1579')

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(e.g. 'In Pater Noster Rowe, by Henry Bynneman, for Nicholas England,')

(e.g. 'Imprinted at London:')

(e.g. '[14], 1175 p.: port.')

(e.g. '1579.')

(e.g. 'AUB2577STC:(2nd:ed.):1356923041A68198')

(e.g. 'A08838.xml')

(e.g. '1093690')

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Div Objects
(e.g. 'Iohn the yongest sonne of Henrie the second.')

(e.g. 'part')

(e.g. 'lat')

(e.g. '8')

(e.g. 'Abraham Fleming.')

(e.g. 'Written at Dublin the fistA(C)enth daie of Iune.')

(e.g. 'to our sacred Se|nate to our holy Senate')

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(e.g. 'LIST')

(e.g. '2')