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(e.g. 'The Pinder of Wakefield: Being the merry History of George a Greene the lusty Pinder of the North. Briefly shewing his manhood and his braue merriments amongst his boone Companions. A Pill fit to purge melancholy in this drooping age. Read, then judge. With the great Battel fought betwixt him and Robin Hood, Scarlet and little Iohn, and after of his liuing with them in the Woods. Full of pretty Histories, Songs, Catches, Iests, and Ridles')

(e.g. 'Jo M.')

(e.g. '1692')

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  • For pattern matching one may employ wildcard characters (e.g., widow* retrieves widow, widowe, widowhood, etc.).
  • To search without considering diacritics turn on "Caps Lock" and type in all uppercase (e.g., NAIVETE finds both naivete and naïveté).
  • Selecting similar word search applies to all words in the database.
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(e.g. 'Imprinted... by Simon Stafford')

(e.g. 'London')

(e.g. '[6], 102 p.')

(e.g. '1635')

(e.g. 'Early English Prose Fiction Full-Text Database')

(e.g. 'EE34011')

(e.g. 'EE19020.xml')

(e.g. '294488')

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(e.g. 'The tale of the three Cuckolds, of their impreses and mottoes.')

(e.g. 'commendation')

(e.g. 'latin')

(e.g. '[16]')

(e.g. '25010001')

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(e.g. 'lg')

(e.g. 'refrain')

(e.g. '14')

(e.g. 'latin')