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Table of Contents

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 [1874], Prudence Palfrey: a novel. (James R. Osgood and Company, Boston) [word count] [eaf450T].

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Prudence Palfrey. A Novel.

Front Matter Front matter Covers, Edges and Spine Preliminaries MR. ALDRICH'S WRITINGS. Preliminaries Title Page CONTENTS. Main text I. In which Parson Wibird Hawkins retires from Business. II. A Parson of the Old School. III. Mr. Dent And His Ward. IV. Dragons. V. The Romance of Horseshoe Lane. VI. Concerning a Skeleton in a Closet. VII. How John Dent made his Pile and lost it. VIII. The Parson's Last Text. IX. A Will, and the Way of it. X. The New Minister. XI. A New England Idol. XII. Prue! XIII. Jonah. XIV. King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid. XV. Colonel Peyton Todhunter. XVI. How Prue sang “Auld Robin Gray. ” XVII. How Mr. Dillingham Looked Out of a Window. XVIII. A Rivermouth Mystery. Back matter

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