[figure description] Page 291.[end figure description]
In Willamilla, no Yillah being found, on the third day
we took leave of Donjalolo; who lavished upon us many
caresses; and, somewhat reluctantly on Media's part, we
quitted the vale,
One by one, we now visited the outer villages of Juam;
and crossing the waters, wandered several days among its
tributary isles. There we saw the viceroys of him who
reigned in the hollow: chieftains of whom Donjalolo was
proud; so honest, humble, and faithful; so bent upon ameliorating
the condition of those under their rule. For, be
it said, Donjalolo was a charitable prince; in his serious
intervals, ever seeking the welfare of his subjects, though
after an imperial view of his own. But alas, in that sunny
donjon among the mountains, where he dwelt, how could
Donjalolo be sure, that the things he decreed were executed
in regions forever remote from his view. Ah! very bland,
very innocent, very pious, the faces his viceroys presented
during their monthly visits to Willamilla. But as cruel
their visage, when, returned to their islets, they abandoned
themselves to all the license of tyrants; like Verres reveling
down the rights of the Sicilians.
Like Carmelites, they came to Donjalolo, barefooted; but
in their homes, their proud latchets were tied by their slaves.
Before their king-belted prince, they stood rope-girdled like
self-abased monks of St. Francis; but with those ropes, before
their palaces, they hung Innocence and Truth.
As still seeking Yillah, and still disappointed, we roved
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[figure description] Page 292.[end figure description]
through the lands which these chieftains ruled, Babbalanja
exclaimed—“Let us depart; idle our search, in isles that
have viceroys for kings.”
At early dawn, about embarking for a distant land, there
came to us certain messengers of Donjalolo, saying that their
lord the king, repenting of so soon parting company with
Media and Taji, besought them to return with all haste;
for that very morning, in Willamilla, a regal banquet was
preparing; to which many neighboring kings had been invited,
most of whom had already arrived.
Declaring that there was no alternative but compliance,
Media acceded; and with the king's messengers we returned
to the glen.
-- -- p275-300
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 [1849], Mardi and a voyage thither, volume 1 (Harper & Brothers, New York) [word count] [eaf275v1].