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Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868 [1864], The life and adventures, songs, services, and speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly [pseud.] (47th regiment, New York volunteers.)... with comic illustrations by Mullen. From the authentic records of the New York herald. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf564T].
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[figure description] List of Illustrations.[end figure description]


Miles O'Reilly Laid by the Heels.Frontispiece.

O'Reilly in one of his Flights.Title.

Private Miles under Arrest, 25

Private Miles Concocting his Defence, 40

Private Miles Released, 52

Signs-Manual, 59

Private Miles Star-gazing, 73

The Secretary's Vision, 83

The Banquet, 87

Private Miles Going into City Politics, 114

Our Reporter,117

The Caucus, 120

O'Reilly in the Presence-Chamber. 174

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Halpine, Charles G. (Charles Graham), 1829-1868 [1864], The life and adventures, songs, services, and speeches of Private Miles O'Reilly [pseud.] (47th regiment, New York volunteers.)... with comic illustrations by Mullen. From the authentic records of the New York herald. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf564T].
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