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Cozzens, Frederic S. (Frederic Swartwout), 1818-1869 [1856], The sparrowgrass papers, or, Living in the country. (Derby & Jackson, New York) [word count] [eaf529T].
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1 vol. 12mo. Price $1 25.

“The purpose of this book is so manifest to inspire juster estimates of life and character,
and its purpose is so well attained, that we improve the occasion of noticing it to
add our earnest approval of its lesson and moral, perforce of convictions born of our own
observation and experience. We have read the book thoroughly, and like it as
thoroughly. It is one of the very best books of its kind, and the author and publisher
have both `done the state service' in placing it before the public.”

N. Y. Evening

“The story is beautifully told, and the characters are types of moral loveliness. No
one can read and ponder it, without the tears starting unbidden to the eye, and sympathising
hope irradiating the countenance. Such works do much to counteract the evil
tendencies of the mushroom trash that constitutes our bar-room and “sporting” literature,
and the thanks of the public are eminently due to both the author and the publisher for
this most acceptable counter current to the streams of demoralization which are now
sweeping over the land.”

Binghampton Republican.

“The lover of the country, who knows its scenes and duties, who can delight in the
gambols of the young colt in the meadows, or enjoys the sweet perfume from the haycock
the breath of the cud-chewing cow—better still, he who can swing a scythe, a cradle, or
turn a smooth furrow, will undoubtedly relish this simple narrative of country life, and
the pure, unadulterated native American manners and customs therein described.”

Newark Daily Advertiser.

“It has a charming simplicity and purity, and its characters have a freshness and
naturalness not often found in works of the kind. The impression of the story is admirable—
adapted to inspire the young with sentiments of self-reliance, honor and
integrity, and to produce charity and good feeling in all. The religious tone which it
exhibits is excellent, and a genial warmth pervades the whole work.”

N. Y. Evangelist.

“It is not only far beyond the general run of what are called, by courtesy, American
novels, but it is superior to many books that have sold by tens of thousands. It has
positive merits of a high order. The dialogue, incidents and characters are natural, and
as a whole, it is an impressive production. We commend the novel to our readers, as a
pleasant book.”

Boston Post.

“Whoever commences reading what he has written, must give up the idea of attending
to other business untill the story is read through; for there is such an interest excited in
the subject that one is insensibly compelled to read on to the end. There is a good spirit
pervading his writings, which insensibly affects the reader.”

Boston Evening Telegraph.

“You cannot finish five pages of this work (unless your heart be hard as adamant)
without finding all the home feelings stirred within you, and you read on and on, unconscious
of aught beside, unwilling to lay it by, until the last line is finished. It opens with
all the sweet simplicity of Goldsmith's `Deserted Village,' ”

Albany Spectator

-- --

[figure description] Advertisement.[end figure description]

“Bell's sketches are instinct with life, they sparkle with brilliants, are gemmed
with wit, and address themselves to almost every chord of the human

Louisville (Ky.) Bulletin.
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Cozzens, Frederic S. (Frederic Swartwout), 1818-1869 [1856], The sparrowgrass papers, or, Living in the country. (Derby & Jackson, New York) [word count] [eaf529T].
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