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Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 [1820], Precaution, volume 2 (A. T. Goodrich & Co., New York) [word count] [eaf051v2].
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[figure description] Page 341.[end figure description]

The publisher regrets, that, owing to a great distance intervening
between him and the author, many errors have crept into the edition—
a short errata is given—but there are errors in expression and grammar
which it is thought the intelligence of most readers will be able
to detect of themselves—such as “is” for “are,” “was” for
“were,” &c.

43. l. 5, for “thanksgiving” read “thanksgivings.”

44. l. 22, for “a look” read “looks.”

70. l. 31, for “every” read “any.”

81. l. 1, omit “own.”

119. l. 22, for “is” read “are;” for “its” read “theirs.”

160. l. 13, for “his symmetry,” &c. read “his sympathy had
lent his manner the only,” &c.

161. l. 28, for “their” read “those.”

162. l. 32, for “his generous” read “her generous.”

167. l. 23, for “petition” read “partition.”

175. l. 8, for “their” read “his.”

179. l. 31, for “in well” read “in a well.”

187. l. 5, for “a Jarvis” read “Jarvis.”

189. l. 10, omit the first “a.”

190. l. 13, put “it” after “of.”

191. l. 7, omit “have been.”

192. l. 26, for “Sir” read “Sis—”

194. l. 23, for “basely” read “bravely.”

196. l. 28, for “tear” read “tears.”

199. l. 21, a period at with; and a comma at fever, in the 23d

202. l. 7, for “on” read “of;” line 8, a colon at preserver: and
a comma at ever, in the 11th line—l. 31, for “those”
read “these.”

207. l. 14, for “mind” read “niece.”

210. l. 3, for “natural” read “nature's.”

212. l. 22, a dash after “one”—

214. l. 19, for “owing to” read “seeing.”

216. l. 16, read “but impressions.”

221. last line, omit “Mr.”

223. l. 17, omit “good.”

228. l. 8, for “it” read “hers;” next line, omit “then.”

230. l. 4, for “as” read “when;” last line, read “morning”
for “evening.”

235. l. 30, for “his family” read “it.”

241. l. 11, for “as” read “or.”

245. l. 30, for “Gentleman” read “Gentlemen.”

246. l. 11, for “strode” read “stood.”

247. l. 13, omit “a;” line 14, read “conversations;” l. 23,
read “a kind.”

256. l. 22, for “evidences” read “evidence”—for “thought”
read “reflection.”

268. l. 2, for “tenacious” read “fastidious.”

282. l. 21, read “morning” after “following.”

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[figure description] Blank Leaf.[end figure description]

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Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 [1820], Precaution, volume 2 (A. T. Goodrich & Co., New York) [word count] [eaf051v2].
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