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(e.g. 'The English-mans treasure with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by... Mr. Thomas Vicary, Esquire...; whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgerie, with divers excellent approved remedies...Profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body')

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(e.g. 'Printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson, by order of His Majesties Privy Council,')

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(e.g. '[1497?]]')

(e.g. 'Early English books online.')

(e.g. 'B05434178965(Wing)S1567(OCoLC)ocm52529239')

(e.g. 'B05347.parsed.xml')

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(e.g. 'A TRUE RELATION, of the Horrid and Barbarous MURTHER, Committed on the Bodys of Mr. Loggins, Gent. and the Ostler of the King 's- ')

(e.g. 'genealogical table')

(e.g. 'lat')

(e.g. '5')

(e.g. 'A60174-1NOTEA')

(e.g. 'I. C. Who is very importunate at the Throne of Grace for thine, the Churches good. I. C.')

(e.g. 'Leicest.')

(e.g. 'To the Right Honourable, the Lords and the rest of her Maiesties most')

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(e.g. '7')

(e.g. 'n90')

(e.g. 'lat')