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Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 [1849], Mardi and a voyage thither, volume 1 (Harper & Brothers, New York) [word count] [eaf275v1].
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[figure description] Page 158.[end figure description]

So bent were the strangers upon concealing who they
were, and the object of their voyage, that it was some time
ere we could obtain the information we desired.

They pointed toward the tent, as if it contained their
Eleusinian mysteries. And the old priest gave us to know,
that it would be profanation to enter it.

But all this only roused my curiosity to unravel the wonder.

At last I succeeded.

In that mysterious tent was concealed a beautiful maiden.
And, in pursuance of a barbarous custom, by Aleema, the
priest, she was being borne an offering from the island of
Amma to the gods of Tedaidee.

Now, hearing of the maiden, I waited for no more. Need
I add, how stirred was my soul toward this invisible victim;
and how hotly I swore, that precious blood of hers should
never smoke upon an altar. If we drowned for it, I was
bent upon rescuing the captive. But as yet, no gentle signal
of distress had been waved to us from the tent. Thence, no
sound could be heard, but an occasional rustle of the matting.
Was it possible, that one about to be immolated could
proceed thus tranquilly to her fate?

But desperately as I resolved to accomplish the deliverance
of the maiden, it was best to set heedfully about it.
I desired no shedding of blood; though the odds were against

The old priest seemed determined to prevent us from

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[figure description] Page 159.[end figure description]

boarding his craft. But being equally determined the other
way, I cautiously laid the bow of the Chamois against the
canoe's quarter, so as to present the smallest possible chance
for a hostile entrance into our boat. Then, Samoa, knife in
ear, and myself with a cutlass, stepped upon the dais, leaving
Jarl in the boat's head, equipped with his harpoon; three
loaded muskets lying by his side. He was strictly enjoined
to resist the slightest demonstration toward our craft.

As we boarded the canoe, the Islanders slowly retreated;
meantime earnestly conferring in whispers; all but the old
priest, who, still seated, presented an undaunted though
troubled front. To our surprise, he motioned us to sit down
by him; which we did; taking care, however, not to cut
off our communication with Jarl.

With the hope of inspiring good will, I now unfolded a
roll of printed cotton, and spreading it before the priest,
directed his attention to the pictorial embellishments thereon,
representing some hundreds of sailor boys simultaneously
ascending some hundreds of uniform sections of a ship's rigging.
Glancing at them a moment, by a significant sign, he
gave me to know, that long previous he himself had ascended
the shrouds of a ship. Making this allusion, his countenance
was overcast with a ferocious expression, as if something
terrific was connected with the reminiscence. But it soon
passed away, and somewhat abruptly he assumed an air of
much merriment.

While we were thus sitting together, and my whole soul
full of the thoughts of the captive, and how best to accomplish
my purpose, and often gazing toward the tent; I all at
once noticed a movement among the strangers. Almost in
the same instant, Samoa, right across the face of Aleema,
and in his ordinary tones, bade me take heed to myself, for
mischief was brewing. Hardly was this warning uttered;
when, with carved clubs in their hands, the Islanders completely
surrounded us. Then up rose the old priest, and
gave us to know, that we were wholly in his power, and if

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[figure description] Page 160.[end figure description]

we did not swear to depart in our boat forthwith, and molest
him no more, the peril be ours.

“Depart and you live; stay and you die.”

Fifteen to three. Madness to gainsay his mandate. Yet
a beautiful maiden was at stake.

The knife before dangling in Samoa's ear was now in his
hand. Jarl cried out for us to regain the boat, several of
the Islanders making a rush for it. No time to think. All
passed quicker than it can be said. They closed in upon
us, to push us from the canoe. Rudely the old priest flung
me from his side, menacing me with his dagger, the sharp
spine of a fish. A thrust and a threat! Ere I knew it,
my cutlass made a quick lunge. A curse from the
priest's mouth; red blood from his side; he tottered,
stared about him, and fell over like a brown hemlock
into the sea. A yell of maledictions rose on the air. A
wild cry was heard from the tent. Making a dead breach
among the crowd, we now dashed side by side for the boat.
Springing into it, we found Jarl battling with two Islanders;
while the rest were still howling upon the dais. Rage and
grief had almost disabled them.

With one stroke of my cutlass, I now parted the line that
held us to the canoe, and with Samoa falling upon the two
Islanders, by Jarl's help, we quickly mastered them; forcing
them down into the bottom of the boat.

The Skyeman and Samoa holding passive the captives,
I quickly set our sail, and snatching the sheet at the cavil,
we rapidly shot from the canoe. The strangers defying us
with their spears; several couching them as if to dart;
while others held back their hands, as if to prevent them from
jeopardizing the lives of their countrymen in the Chamois.

Seemingly untoward events oftentimes lead to successful
results. Far from destroying all chance of rescuing the
captive, our temporary flight, indispensable for the safety of
Jarl, only made the success of our enterprise more probable.
For having made prisoners two of the strangers, I

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[figure description] Page 161.[end figure description]

determined to retain them as hostages, through whom to effect
my plans without further bloodshed.

And here it must needs be related, that some of the
natives were wounded in the fray: while all three of their
assailants had received several bruises.

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Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 [1849], Mardi and a voyage thither, volume 1 (Harper & Brothers, New York) [word count] [eaf275v1].
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