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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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[figure description] Page 156.[end figure description]

The wurd “kolide,” used bi ralerode men, haz an
indefinit meaning tew menny folks. Thru the kindness
of a nere and dear frend, i am able tew translate
the wurd so that enny man ken understand it at onst.
The term “kolide” is used tew explain the sarkumstanse
ov 2 trains ov cars triing tew pass each
uther on a single trak. It is ced that it never yet
haz bin did suckcessfully, hence a “kolide.”

Josh Billings.

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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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