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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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[figure description] Page 015.[end figure description]

I kum to the conclusion, lately, that life waz so
onsartin, that the only wa for me tu stand a fair
chance with other folks, was to git my life insured,
and so i kalled on the Agent of the “Garden Angel
life insurance Co.,” and answered the following
questions, which waz put tu me over the top ov a
pair of goold specks, by a slik little fat old feller,
with a little round gray head, and az pretty a little
belly on him az enny man ever owned: —


1st—Are yu mail or femail? if so, Pleze state
how long you have been so.

2d—Are yu subjec tu fits, and if so, do yu hav
more than one at a time?

3d—What is yure precise fiteing weight?

4th—Did yu ever have enny ancestors, and if
so, how much?

-- 016 --

[figure description] Page 016.[end figure description]

5th—What iz yure legal opinion ov the constitutionality
ov the 10 commandments!

6th—Du yu ever hav enny nite mares?

7th—Are you married and single, or are yu a

8th — Do yu beleave in a futer state? if yu du,
state it.

9th—What are yure private sentiments about a
rush ov rats tu the head; can it be did successfully?

10th—Hav yu ever committed suiside, and if so,
how did it seem to affect yu?

After answering the above questions, like a man
in the confirmatif, the slik little fat old fellow with
goold specks on, ced I was insured for life, and
proberly would remain so for a term ov years. I
thanked him, and smiled one ov my moste pensive

-- --

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Billings, Josh, 1818-1885 [1866], Josh Billings, hiz sayings. With comic illustrations. (Carleton, New York) [word count] [eaf674T].
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