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Geneva [1587], THE BIBLE: THAT IS, THE HOLY SCRIPTVRES CONTEINED IN THE OLDE AND NEWE TESTAMENT. TRANSLATED ACCORDING TO the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance (Imprinted... by Christopher Barker [etc.], LONDON) [word count] [B07000].
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CHAP. III. 1 The feast of Darius. 16 The three wise sentences.

1   Nowe when Darius reigned, hee made a great feast to all his subiectes and to all those of his owne house, and to all the Princes of Media and Persia,

2   And to all the gouernours and captaines, and lieutenantes that were with him, from India vnto

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Ethiopia of an hundreth and seuen and twentie prouinces.

3   And when they had eaten and drunke, and were satisfied, they departed, and King Darius went into his chamber, and slept, till he wakened againe.

4   ¶2; In the meane time three yong men of the gard, keepers of þe; kings body, saide one to another,

5   Let euery one of vs speake a sentence, and he that shall ouercome, and whose sentence shall appeare wiser then the others, Darius the King shall giue him great gifts, and great things in token of victorie,

6   As to weare purple, and to drinke in gold, and to sleepe in gold, and a chariot with bridles of gold, an head tyre of fine linnen, and a chayne about his necke.

7   And hee shall sit next to Darius for his wisedome, and shalbe called Darius cousin.

8   Then euery man wrote his sentence and sealed it, and put it vnder the pillowe of king Darius,

9   And said, when the king rose, they would giue him the writing, and whose sentence the king and the three Princes of Persia shoulde iudge to be wisest, to him should the victorie be giuen, as it was appoynted.

10   One wrote, The wine is strongest.

11   The other wrote, The king is strongest.

12   The other wrote, Women are strongest, but trueth ouercommeth all things.

13   ¶2; And when the king rose, they tooke the writings and gaue them to him, and he read them,

14   And sent and called all the noble men of Persia and of Media, and the gouernors & the captaines, and lieutenants, and the consuls,

15   And sate him downe in the counsell, and the writing was read before them.

16   Then he sayde, Call the yong men, that they may declare their owne sentences. So they called them, and they came in.

17   Then hee sayde vnto them, Declare vnto vs the writings. So the first began, which had spoken of the strength of wine,

18   And said on this maner, O ye men, how strong is wine! it deceiueth all men that drinke it.

19   It maketh the minde of the king and of the fatherlesse both one, of the bonde man and of the free man, of the poore man and of the rich man.

20   It turneth also euery thought into ioye and gladnesse, so that one remembreth no maner of sorowe, nor det.

21   It maketh euery heart riche, so that one remembreth neither king nor gouernour, and causeth to speake all things by note talents.

22   When men haue drunk, they haue no minde to loue either friendes or brethren, and a litle after they drawe out swords.

23   But when they are from the wine, they doe not remember what they haue done.

24   O ye men, is not wine strongest, which compelleth to doe such things? and hee helde his peace when he had thus spoken.
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Geneva [1587], THE BIBLE: THAT IS, THE HOLY SCRIPTVRES CONTEINED IN THE OLDE AND NEWE TESTAMENT. TRANSLATED ACCORDING TO the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. With most profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance (Imprinted... by Christopher Barker [etc.], LONDON) [word count] [B07000].
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