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West Saxon I [1878], THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT JOHN IN ANGLO-SAXON AND NORTHUMBRIAN VERSIONS SYNOPTICALLY ARRANGED, WITH COLLATIONS EXHIBITING ALL THE READINGS OF ALL THE MSS. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge (F. A. BROCKHAUS, LEIPZIG) [word count] [B01210].
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1   Witodlice þa hyt morgen wæs ða worhton ealle þæra sacerda ealdras gemot. ∧ þæs folces ealdras ongen þone hælend &thaet; hig hyne deaþe be-læwdon.

2   ∧ hig læddon hyne gebundenne ∧ sealdon hyne þam pontiscean pilate þam deman;

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3   Ða geseah iudas þe hyne belæwde. &thaet; he fordemed wæs. þa ongann he hreowsian. ∧ brohte þa þrittig scyllingas to þæra sacerda ealdrum. ∧ cwæð;

4   Ic syngode þa ic sealde &thaet; rihtwise blod; Ða cwædon hig hwæt spycst þu &thaet; to us;

5   ∧ he awearp þa scyllingas inon &thaet; templ. ∧ ferde ∧ mid gryne hyne sylfne aheng;

6   Ða soðlice þæra sacerda ealdras onfengon þæs seolfres ∧ cwædon; Nys hyt na alyfed &thaet; we asendon hyt on ure maðmcyste. forþam hyt is blodes wurð;

7   Hig worhton þa gem&odia;t ∧ smeadon hu hig sceoldon þæs hælendes wurð ateon. þa gebohton hig ænne æcyr mid þam feo tigyl-wyrhtena. on to be-byrgenne elþeodisce menn.

8   for-þam is se æcer ge-haten acheldemagh. &thaet; is on &udia;re geþeode blodes æcyr. ∧ swa he is gehaten oð þisne dæg;

9   Ða wæs ge-fylled &thaet; gecweden is þurh hieremiam þone witegan þus cweþende; ∧ þa hig onfengon þrittig scyllinga þæs gebohtan wurð. þone ðe wæs ædia;r gewurþod fram israhela bearnum;

10   ∧ hig sealdon &thaet; on tigelwyrhtena æcyr swa swa drihten me gesette;

11   Þa stod se hælend beforan þam deman. ∧ se d&edia;ma hyne axode þus cweðende; Eart ðu iudea cyning þa cwæð se hælend &thaet; ðu segst;

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12   ∧ mid þy ðe hyne wregdon þæra sacerda ealdras ∧ þa hlafordas. nan þing he ne ∧swarode;

13   Ða cwæð pilatus to him. ne ge-hyrst þu hu fela sagena hig ongen þe secgeað.

14   ∧ he ne ∧werde mid nanum worde swa &thaet; se dema wundrode swiþlice;

15   Hig hæfdon heom to ge-wunan to heora symbel-dæge &thaet; se dema sceolde for-gyfan þam folce ænne for-wyrhtne mann swylcne hig habban woldon;

16   He hæfde þa soðlice ænne strangne þeof-mann. gehæftne. se wæs genemned barrabbas;

17   Þa &thaet; folc gesamnod wæs þa cwæð pilatus; Hwæþer wylle ge &thaet; ic eow agyfe þe barrabban ðe þone hælynd. ðe is crist gehaten;

18   H&edia; wiste soðlice &thaet; hig hyne for &adia;ndan him sealdon;

19   He sæt þa pilatus on his dom-setle. þa sende his wif to hym ∧ cwæð. ne beo þe nan þing gemæne ongen þisne rihtwisan; Soðlice fela ic hæbbe geþolod todæg þurh gesyhðe for hym;

20   Ða lærdon þæra sacerda ealdras ∧ þa hlafordas &thaet; folc &thaet; hig bædon barrabban ∧ þone hælyn (sic) fordydon;

21   Ða ∧wyrde se dema ∧ sæde heom; Hwæþerne wylle ge &thaet; ic forgyfe eow of þisum twam; Ða cwædon hig. barrabban;

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22   Þa cwæð pilatus to heom; Witodlice hwæt do ic be þam hælende. þe is crist genemned; Ða cwædon hig ealle. sy he on rode ahangen;

23   Ða cwæð se d&edia;ma to heom. witodlice hwæt yfeles dyde þes; Hi ða swiþor clypodon þus cweðende; Sy he ahangen;

24   Ða geseah pilatus &thaet; hyt naht ne fremode ac gewurde mare gehlyd. þa genam he wæter ∧ þwoh hys handa be-foran þam folce ∧ cwæð. un-scyldig ic eom fram þyses rihtwisan blode ge ge-seoð;

25   Ða ∧swarode eall &thaet; folc ∧ cwæð; Sy hys blod ofer us ∧ ofer ure bearn;

26   Ða for-geaf he hym barrabban; ∧ þone hælynd he l&edia;t swingan ∧ sealde heom to a-honne;

27   Þa under-fengon þæs deman cempan þone hælynd on ðam domerne ∧ ge-gaderodon ealne þone ðreat to heom

28   ∧ unscryddon hyne hys agenum reafe. ∧ scryddon hyne mid weolcen-readum scyccelse;

29   ∧ wundon cyne-helm. of þornum ∧ asetton ofer hys heafod. ∧ hreod on hys swiðran. ∧ bigdon heora cneow beforan him. ∧ bysmorudun hyne þuss cweþende;

30   Hal wes þu iudea cyning. ∧ spætton on hyne. ∧ namon hreod ∧ beotun hys heafod;

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31   ∧ æfter þam þe hig hyne þus bysmerodon hig unscryddon hyne þam scyccelse. ∧ scryddon hyne mid hys agenum reafe. ∧ læddon hyne to ahonne;

32   Soþlice ða hig &udia;t-ferdon. þa gemetton hig ænne cyreniscne mann cumende heom togenes þæs nama wæs symon; þone hig nyddon &thaet; he bære hys rode;

33   Ða comon hig on þa stowe þe ys genemned golgotha. &thaet; is heafod-pannan stow.

34   ∧ hig sealdon hym w&idia;n drincan wið eallan (sic) gemenged. ∧ þa he hys onbyrigde þa nolde he hyt drincan;

35   Soþlice æfter þam þe hig hyne on rode ahengon hig to-dældon hys reaf. ∧ wurpon hlot þær-ofer &thaet; wære gefylled &thaet; ðe gecweden wæs þurh ðone witegan ∧ þus cwæð; Hig to-dældon heom mine reaf. ∧ ofer mine reaf hig wurpon hlot;

36   ∧ hig beheoldon hyne sittende.

37   ∧ hig asetton ofer hys heafod hys gylt þuss awritenne; Ðis ys se hælynd iudea cyning;

38   Ða wæron a-hangen mid hym twegen sceaþan &adia;n on þa swiðran healfe ∧ oðer on þa wynstran;

39   Witodlice þa weg-ferendan hyne bysmeredon ∧ cwehton heora heafod

40   ∧ cwædon. wa &thaet; ðes towyrpð godes templ. ∧ on þrim dagum hyt eft getimbrað; Ge-hæl nu þe sylfne. gyf þu sy godes sunu. g&adia; nyþer of þære rode;

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41   Eac þæra sacerda ealdras hyne bysmeredon mid þam bocerum ∧ mid þam ealdrum ∧ cwædun;

42   Oþere he ge-hælde. ∧ hyne sylfne gehælan ne mæg; Gyf he israhela cyning sy g&adia; n&udia; nyþer of þære rode ∧ we gelyfað hym;

43   He gelyfð on god. alyse he hyne n&udia; gyf he wylle; Witodlice he sæde godes sunu ic eom;

44   Ge-lice þa sceaðan þe mid him ahangene wæron; Hyne hyspdun;

45   Witodlice fram þære sixtan tide wæron gewurden þystru ofer ealle eorðan oþ þa nigoþan tid;

46   ∧ ymbe þa nygoðan tid clypode se hælend mycelre stefne ∧ þuss cwæð; Heli heli lema zabdani. &thaet; ys on englisc min god min god to hwi forlete þu me;

47   Soþlice sume þa ðe þær stodon ∧ þis gehyrdon cwædon; Nu he clypað hel&idia;am;

48   Ða hrædlice arn &adia;n heora ∧ genam &adia;ne spongean ∧ fylde hig mid ecede ∧ asette &adia;n hreod þær-on ∧ sealde hym drincan;

49   Witodlice þa oðre cwædon læt. utun geseon hwæþer helias cume ∧ wylle hyne alysan;

50   Þa clypode se hælynd eft mycelre stefne ∧ asende hys gast;

51   ∧ þær-rihte ðæs temples wah-ryft wearð tosliten on tewgen (sic) dælas. fram ufeweardon oð nyþe-weard; ∧ seo eorðe bifode ∧ stanas toburston;

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52   ∧ byrgena wurdun geopenode. ∧ manige halige lichaman ðe ædia;r slepon aryson;

53   ∧ þa hig &udia;t-eodon of þam byrgenum æfter hys æryste hig comun on þa haligan ceastre. ∧ æt-eowdon hig manegum;

54   Witodlice þæs hundredes ealdor ∧ ða þe mid him wæron healdende þone hælynd. þa hig gesawon þa eorð-bifunge. ∧ þa ðing ðe þær gewurdon. hig on-dredon heom ðearle. ∧ cwædon; Soðlice godes sunu wæs þes;

55   Witodlice þær wæron manega wif feorran þa ðe fyligdon þam hælende fram galilea him ðenigende;

56   Be-twuh þam wæs seo magdalenisce maria ∧ maria iacobes moder ∧ iosephes modur ∧ zebedeis sunena modor;

57   Soðlice þa hyt æfen wæs c&odia;m sum weli mann of arimathia þæs nama wæs iosep. se sylfa wæs þæs hælyndes leorning-cniht.

58   he genealæhte to pilate ∧ bæd þæs hælyndes lichaman; Ða het pilatus agyfan him þone lichaman.

59   ∧ iosep genam þone lichaman. ∧ bewand hyne mid clænre scytan

60   ∧ lede hyne on hys niwan byrgene. ða he aheow on stane. ∧ he to-awylte mycelne stan to hlide þære byrgene. ∧ ferde syþþan;

61   Ðær wæs soðlice seo magdalenisce maria ∧ seo oðer maria sittende æt þære byrgene;

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62   Witodlice oðrum dæge þe wæs gearcung-dæg comon togædere þæra sacerda ealdras. ∧ þa sundor-halgan to pilate.

63   ∧ cwædon; Hlaford w&edia; gemunon &thaet; se swica sæde þa he on life wæs. æfter þrym dagon ic arise.

64   hat nu healdan þa byrgene oð þone þryddan dæg. þe-læs hys leorning-cnihtas cumon. ∧ for-stelon hyne. ∧ secgeon þam folce &thaet; he aryse of deaþe; Þonne byð &thaet; æftre gedwyld wyrse þonne &thaet; ærre;

65   Ða cwæð pilatus ge habbað heord-rædenne farað ∧ healdað swa swa ge witon;

66   Soþlice hig ferdon ∧ ymbe-trymedon þa byrgene ∧ inn-seglodon þone stan mid þam weardum;
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West Saxon I [1878], THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT JOHN IN ANGLO-SAXON AND NORTHUMBRIAN VERSIONS SYNOPTICALLY ARRANGED, WITH COLLATIONS EXHIBITING ALL THE READINGS OF ALL THE MSS. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge (F. A. BROCKHAUS, LEIPZIG) [word count] [B01210].
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